
作者:Green, Sharon Weiner,Wolf, Ira K.,Stewart, Brian W.

Sharon Green started helping prepare students for the PSAT and SAT as a 13-year-old assistant at her father’s college entrance tutoring course; she has never stopped since. A National Merit Scholar...


Zoran Bojkovic is full-time professor of Electrical Engineering University of Belgrade, Serbia, Life Senior Member of IEEE, full member of Engineering Academy of Serbia, member of Scientific Societ...


  2017年風靡全球!   最健康、科學的瘦身法:低醣生酮      研究證實,「生酮飲食」對瘦身及抗癌有奇效!   體內一旦開始去醣「生酮」,將不斷燃燒脂肪,越吃越瘦,      但究竟低醣要怎麼吃,才有辦法開始生酮呢?   生酮飲食〔理論+實踐〕雙書,搭配1000種常見食物醣量速查圖典,   輕鬆避開地雷食物,成功低醣生酮不NG!      ■生酮飲食觀念之書--《讓體脂肪及癌細胞消失...


After publishing her work herself in fanzine format, Nicke made the leap to serialized manga with her debut series, Beyond the Clouds, in 2018.

作者:Matsumoto, Taiyo

Taiyo Matsumoto is best known to English-reading audiences as the creator of Tekkonkinkreet, which in 2006 was made into an animated feature film of the same name directed by Michael Arias. In 2007...

作者:Carr, Jack

Jack Carr is a #1 New York Times bestselling author and former Navy SEAL. He lives with his wife and three children in Park City, Utah. He is the author of The Terminal List, True Believer, and Sav...


  #寫給無錢、無資源、無人脈的創業者   如何不靠運氣,成功創業、長久「活下去」?   一本字字血淚、滿載實戰經驗的創業寶典     不到20萬的資本,有可能創造5,000萬業績嗎?   一個窮到想辦信用卡都被銀行拒絕的人,   居然可以靠巧克力蛋糕大翻身?     無錢、無資源、無人脈,   三無世代擁有最大的本錢就是~自己。   比向大公司借鏡的更好做法、新聞報導上看不到的真實心聲, ...

作者:Carr, Jack

Jack Carr is a #1 New York Times bestselling author and former Navy SEAL. He lives with his wife and three children in Park City, Utah. He is the author of The Terminal List, True Believer, and Sav...


擁有消滅黑魔王力量之人將降臨! 兩者必將死於另一人之手,因兩者無法同存於世……   繁體中文版20週年紀念   台灣插畫家Krenz、Loiza繪製全新封面!   英文版發行首日即飆破1300萬冊!   Amazon書店締造130萬本空前預購紀錄!   改編電影,榮獲「英國國家電影獎」最佳男主角、   最佳女主角、最佳家庭電影!   升上五年級前的暑假,對哈利波特來說一如以往地既痛苦且漫...

作者:World Almanac

The World Almanac reference works have been trusted by schools, families, businesses, governments, and even presidents for generations. A #1 New York Times bestseller, The World Almanac was first p...


一場守護故宮經典文物的冒險旅程 最具文化視野的原創青少年奇幻小說 一次穿越歷史、文物、成長文學! 首度以故宮國寶為穿越歷史主題  得獎作家鄭宗弦磅礡力作 召喚熱愛閱讀的你  展現穿梭古今的冒險魂!     ◆ 40,000 字插圖章節小說:適合9-13 歲閱讀,讓閱讀成就感持續累積。   ◆ 囊括故宮熱門文物類別:透過小說閱讀增進人文素養。   ◆ 加贈精美知識附錄:除了體驗精彩冒險,知識學...

