【問題】Deload week?推薦回答

作者:Ali, Shainna

Dr. Shainna Ali is a mental health counselor, educator, and advocate who is dedicated to highlighting the important role of mental health in fostering happiness, fulfillment, and overall wellness. ...

作者:Erickson, Kim

KIM ERICKSON began following Christ after the death of her three-year-old son in 2008. Kim began a writing and teaching ministry to help other women, which can be found at www.KimAErickson.com. She...

作者:de Jong, Woulter

Wouter de Jong is an trainer and coach who studied both Dutch Law and acting - the latter at the celebrated Amsterdam School of Theater. Wouter has played in various film, television and theater pr...

作者:Miller, Matthew

作者:Johnson, Berni

Berni Johnson began her career as an author at age six when she crayoned a book about her mom that received a rave review from its lone reader. She surrounds herself with pens, paper, and other wri...


DR. CHAUNCEY CRANDALL IV, M.D., F.A.C.C. (Palm Beach, Florida) is a world renowned Cardiologist practicing medicine in Palm Beach Florida, as well as the author of THE SIMPLE HEART CURE: THE 90-DAY...


財務自由的關鍵,不在你要存到多少錢, 而在有沒有建立自動生財系統!   ★ 《紐約時報》、《華爾街日報》暢銷書   ★ 獲《財富》雜誌譽為「新一代的投資理財大師」   ★ 全球暢銷10年理財經典,與時俱進全新修訂改版   ★ Amazon.com理財類暢銷榜第1名,將近5,000名讀者實證大推   ★ 《漫步華爾街》作者墨基爾、行銷大師高汀、《經濟時報》、《舊金山紀事報》盛讚推薦   ...

作者:Cole, Edwin Louis

Dr. Edwin Louis Cole (1922-2002), known as "the father of the Christian men’s movement," was called by God to speak with a prophetic voice to the men of this generation. To that end, he founded the...

作者:Bukowski, Lee


  ~為期一年的禪宗靜思書寫~   自7大領域切入,每日親身實踐自我探索、反思和正念練習   《禪宗一年》提出了一個為期一年的靜思計畫,   將佛教禪宗的修行與日記相結合,   讓你在生活中時時刻刻保持正念、獲得清明視野、釋放壓力和摒除煩惱。   無論你是剛接觸禪宗的初學,還是已有數十年禪修經驗的老參,   《禪宗一年》都能引導你透過52週的自我探索、反思和正念練習,   幫助你活在當下,...

