【問題】Corpus callosum pronunciation?推薦回答

作者:Zottola, Angela

Angela Zottola is Researcher in English Language and Linguistics at the University of Turin, Italy. She received her PhD in Mind, Gender & Language: Language, Linguistics and ESP from the Universit...

作者:Cosmos Language Workshop

KK音標+字母拼讀法 雙管齊下,讓你輕鬆練成道地英語口音!     學好道地的英語發音有助提升學習英語的自信心。本書為初學者詳盡解說KK音標,精心篩選最常用的實用單字,搭配字母拼讀法,整理音標與拼寫字母對應的發音規則,以最易理解記憶的方式,為讀者打下「見字讀音」的堅實基礎,一次學會道地的英語正確發音!     ➢以對比相似音來編排單元,鍛鍊辨音能力 每個單元收錄兩個以上的相近音,利用對比概念...

作者:Choi, Jinsil

Jinsil Choi is Assistant Professor in Tabula Rasa College, Keimyung University, South Korea. Her main academic interests include corpus-based translation studies, pre-modern Korea in translation, a...


  國語語音的理論基礎;口語溝通的實用技術   教你如何「口開事成」!     說話,是我們每天都會做的事,或許總以為稀鬆平常。但不看這本書,你就不知道發音與說話其實有那麼大的學問。     本書包括「國音篇」及「說話篇」兩大部分。「國音篇」裡就發音原理、發音方法及國語正音作一概略的說明與介紹,裨使讀者能對國語語音有一簡單而全面的認知;「說話篇」中則探討語言的實際應用,範圍遍及各種層面,內容...


Giovanni Parodi es profesor titular e investigador en la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (Chile) Pascual Cantos-Gómez es catedrático de lingüística inglesa en la Universidad de Murcia...


Sylviane Granger is Emerita Professor of English Language and Linguistics at the University of Louvain, Belgium. Marie-Aude Lefer is Associate Professor of Translation Studies and English-French tr...

作者:Viana, Vander,O’Boyle, Aisling

Vander Viana is Associate Professor in Education, directs the Master’s in TESOL and is the founder/leader of the Language in Education Research Group at the University of East Anglia. His areas of ...

作者:Viana, Vander,O’Boyle, Aisling

Vander Viana is Associate Professor in Education, directs the Master’s in TESOL and is the founder/leader of the Language in Education Research Group at the University of East Anglia. His areas of ...

作者:Yuchen, Xu,Xuan, Yan

Xu Yuchen is Professor of English at Foreign Languages and Literature Research Institute, Xi’an International Studies University. His research interests include Systemic Functional Linguistics, Sem...


Anne O’Keeffe is Senior Lecturer at MIC, University of Limerick, Ireland. Her publications include Cambridge University Presstitles: From Corpus to Classroom (2007), English Grammar Today (2011) an...

作者:Simoes, Antonio Roberto Monteiro

This book contrasts variations in Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese pronunciation, using as a reference for discussion the careful speech of news anchors at the national level or the equivalent type...

作者:Wasilewska, Katarzyna

Katarzyna Wasilewska completed PhD studies in Linguistics at the University of Warsaw and BA studies in International Economics at the Warsaw School of Economics. Her research interests include cor...

作者:Poole, Robert

Robert Poole is Assistant Professor in Applied Linguistics and TESOL at the University of Alabama, USA.

作者:Hunt, Daniel,Brookes, Gavin

Daniel Hunt is Assistant Professor of Discourse Analysis in the School of English, University of Nottingham, UK. Gavin Brookes is Senior Research Associate within the ESRC Centre for Corpus Approac...

