【問題】FITNESS ptt?推薦回答

作者:Anderson, Laura Crump


日本亞馬遜商業書暢銷排行榜第一名, 蟬聯日本蔦屋書店排行榜、紀伊國屋書店排行、 丸善、淳久堂、文教堂書店排行超過一年。     作者西村博之說:「大部分的工作,只要有高中學歷就能做,   你再怎麼努力,也很難跟別人不同。」   讀者留言:「如果我年輕時就讀到這本書,人生馬上翻轉。」     西村博之是日本PTT「2channel」的創辦人,全盛時期高達一千萬名用戶,   目前還擔任英語圈最大...

作者:Bunting, Meredith

作者:Insel, Paul,Ross, Don,McMahon, Kimberley

作者:Siedentop, Daryl,Van Der Mars, Hans

作者:Turner, Michelle

Michelle Turner is a military veteran (NCO), military spouse, and mother of two. She holds a master’s degree in Exercise Science focusing on performance enhancement, injury prevention and health pr...

作者:Sufian, Sandy M.

Sandra M. Sufian is professor of health humanities and history in the Department of Medical Education at the University of Illinois School of Medicine and associate professor of disability studies ...

作者:Sufian, Sandy M.

Sandra M. Sufian is professor of health humanities and history in the Department of Medical Education at the University of Illinois School of Medicine and associate professor of disability studies ...

作者:Tomlinson, Graeme

Graeme Tomlinson is the Scottish nutrition coach and personal trainer behind the Instagram phenomenon @thefitnesschef_ - followed by over 600,000 people around the world. With his trademark infogra...

作者:Bragg, Paul,Bragg, Patricia

作者:Johnson, Susan M.,Campbell, T. Leanne

Susan M. Johnson, Ed.D., is the leading developer of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for individuals, couples, and families. She is Professor Emeritus of Clinical Psychology at the University of ...

作者:Johnson, Susan M.,Campbell, T. Leanne

Susan M. Johnson, Ed.D., is the leading developer of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for individuals, couples, and families. She is Professor Emeritus of Clinical Psychology at the University of ...

