【問題】ESO 減肥藥?推薦回答

作者:鶴見隆史Mihoko Ensrude

  天然酵素才是零副作用最好的減肥藥!   日本酵素權威鶴見隆史博士與料理研究家Mihoko Ensrude   聯手打造136道酵素減肥食譜   史上最多變化、最好吃的天然酵素減肥餐!   用酵素推掉脂肪細胞,重新啟動代謝力,一舉突破瘦不下來的瓶頸!   享受美食還能消除肥胖、水腫、便祕、手腳冰冷、肩頸痠痛等毛病!     ◆用酵素推掉脂肪細胞,重新啟動代謝力,一舉突破瘦不下來的瓶頸   ...

作者:Eso, David

"Journey in the wild is a deeply reflective, emotive and thought provoking book from the author of ""showers from the fountain.""While depicting my ongoing struggle with illness in prose; it is als...


  ★★★授權英國、義大利、德國、法國、韓國、中國及台灣等多國語種!並於德國獲得「白烏鴉」繪本大獎!   與眾不同,真的很奇怪嗎?   一本幫助孩子認識自己、肯定自己、建立自信的趣味繪本!   每個人都可能是那個「不正常」的少數,但不要忘了,接受自己、肯定自己,建立自信,才能將「不正常」轉化成「特長」。   大象有一個超~級~長~的鼻子,他甚至必須捲起這超長的鼻子才能正常移動,   「這...

作者:Handler, Daniel/ Kalman, Maira (ILT)/ Sánchez, Montserrat Nieto (TRN)

Min Green and Ed Slaterton are breaking up, so Min is writing Ed a letter and giving him a box. Inside the box is why they broke up. Two bottle caps, a movie ticket, a folded note, a box of matches...

作者:Viarengo, Jose Antonio

作者:Campoy, Ana

作者:Eso, David

"Journey in the wild is a deeply reflective, emotive and thought provoking book from the author of ""showers from the fountain.""While depicting my ongoing struggle with illness in prose; it is als...

作者:Hubrig, S. (EDT)/ Petr-Gotzens, M. (EDT)/ Tokovinin, A. (EDT)

The ESO workshop "Multiple Stars across the H-R Diagram" was held in Garching on 12-15, July 2005. The topics included observations of multiple stars from ground and space, dynamical and stellar ev...

作者:Kroetsch, Robert/ Eso, David (EDT)/ Van Herk, Aritha (AFT)

Post-glacial is a collection of poems by Robert Kroestch selected by his former student David Eso. The book features Kroetsch's iconic collection, Completed Field Notes, alongside rare work gathere...

