【問題】white matter中文?推薦回答

作者:Yu, Chun

In this stunning, lyrical memoir that includes a curriculum guide, author Chun Yu recalls the Chinese Cultural Revolution from the perspective of a ten-year-old. When Chun Yu was born in a small ci...

作者:Stein, Judith E.

In 1959, Richard Bellamy was a witty, poetry-loving beatnik on the fringe of the New York art world who was drawn to artists impatient for change. By 1965, he was representing Mark di Suvero, was t...

作者:Saunders, George

***此為精裝版***   2017年曼布克文學大獎得主!   因短篇小說集《十二月十日》名揚國際文壇的喬治‧桑德斯 以第一本長篇小說Lincoln in the Bardo《林肯在中陰》 獲得曼布克文學獎高度肯定 評審團:「他把玩歷史與虛幻, 以極具原創性的形式、機智而詼諧的敘事,深刻觸動人心。」 小說開始於1862年的一場葬禮,整個故事發生在那一晚,痛失愛子的美國總統林肯,在南北戰爭...

作者:Choy, Tim

A rich ethnography of ecopolitics in Hong Kong in the late 1990s, as the region shifted to Chinese sovereignty, Ecologies of Comparison describes how ecological concepts of uniqueness and scale res...

作者:Bates, Kenneth F.

ENAMELING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE by Kenneth F. Bates. Contents include: FOREWORD page 13 INTRODUCTION 17 I A BRIEF HISTORY OF ENAMELING Greek enamels Celtic enamels Byzantine enamels German enamel...

作者:Doblin, Alfred/ Godwin, C. D. (TRN)

In 1915, fourteen years before Berlin Alexanderplatz, Alfred D blin published his first novel, an extensively researched Chinese historical extravaganza: The Three Leaps of Wang Lun. Even more rema...


  本書作者艾天望係一名德籍人士,卻說的一口流利的國語、並在(台灣今日)德文雙月刊外籍編輯。   由於兩岸三地未能有一本可向外國介紹大中華包括亞洲華人的專書,於是五年前開始編寫,其間從蒐集資料並請美籍專家校對,下了很長的功夫,本來此種書應是由政府單位來籌劃出版的。可是如今卻由一名外籍人士獨立花了五年時間將此大中華百科全書編著完成。   內容資料包括人、事、史、時、地、物、等等。每一筆資料均是...

作者:Lan, Shanshan

This book is an ethnographic study of the multi-linear process of racial knowledge formation among a relatively invisible population in the Chinese American community in Chicago, namely the working...

作者:Amy Chua

  現實,對抗分裂彼此的深刻不平等,才有辦法達成更近一步的團結。      「一如往常,蔡美兒提出了一個挑釁的處方來治癒我們的政治疾病。她挑戰我們跨越族群的鴻溝–不是透過否認分歧,而是透過歌頌它們。」–《給予》《反叛,改變世界的力量》《擁抱B選項》作者亞當.格蘭特      (文/博客來編譯)    The bestselling author of Battle Hymn of the ...

作者:Chua, Amy/ Whelan, Julia (NRT)

The bestselling author of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, Yale Law School Professor Amy Chua offers a bold new prescription for reversing our foreign policy failures and overcoming our destructive...

作者:Chua, Amy

The bestselling author of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, Yale Law School Professor Amy Chua offers a bold new prescription for reversing our foreign policy failures and overcoming our destructive...

作者:Chua, Amy

The bestselling author of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, Yale Law School Professor Amy Chua offers a bold new prescription for reversing our foreign policy failures and overcoming our destructive...

作者:Yangwen, Zheng (EDT)

Chinese people have been instrumental in indigenizing Christianity. Sinizing Christianity examines Christianity's transplantation to and transformation in China by focusing on three key elements: C...

作者:Saunders, George/ Offerman, Nick (NRT)/ Sedaris, David (NRT)/ Saunders, George (NRT)

 ***此為有聲書***     2017年曼布克文學大獎得主!   因短篇小說集《十二月十日》名揚國際文壇的喬治‧桑德斯 以第一本長篇小說Lincoln in the Bardo《林肯在中陰》 獲得曼布克文學獎高度肯定 評審團:「他把玩歷史與虛幻, 以極具原創性的形式、機智而詼諧的敘事,深刻觸動人心。」 小說開始於1862年的一場葬禮,整個故事發生在那一晚,痛失愛子的美國總統林肯,在南北...

作者:Marquand, John P./ Christy, Paul (NRT)

The thrilling 1st installment in Pulitzer Prize-winning author John P. Marquand's classic espionage series featuring Imperial Japan's most skillful spyCapitalizing on his heroic career as a World W...

