
作者:Johnstone, William W.,Johnstone, J. A.

William W. Johnstone is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over three hundred novels of Western adventure, military action, and chilling suspense, and with over 35 million books...

作者:Maynard, Douglas W.,Turowetz, Jason

Douglas W. Maynard is the Maureen T. Hallinan Professor of Sociology, emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is author or editor of numerous books, including Bad News, Good News: Conve...

作者:Brown, David W.

作者:Katsev, Susan W. (EDT)/ Swiney, Laina W. (EDT)

The Kyrenia ship, a Greek merchantman built around 315 BC and sunk off the north coast of Cyprus 294-291 BC, was excavated between 1967 and 1972 under the direction of Michael Katzev. The importanc...

作者:Maynard, Douglas W.,Turowetz, Jason

Douglas W. Maynard is the Maureen T. Hallinan Professor of Sociology, emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is author or editor of numerous books, including Bad News, Good News: Conve...

作者:Johnstone, William W.,Johnstone, J. A.

William W. Johnstone is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over three hundred novels of Western adventure, military action, and chilling suspense, and with over 35 million books...

作者:Mitcham, Samuel W.

SAMUEL W. MITCHAM JR. is a military historian who has written extensively on the German army in the Second World War, including his major biography of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, Desert Fox. A U.S....


只要按圖索驥,新手也能自己練 自宅訓練、器材鍛鍊,健身新手必學的五大重訓課, 教你用對工具、正確施力、練對肌肉、有效增肌     健身房裡滿滿的器材,不知從何練起?   如何在家自己鍛鍊?還能達到健身器材的效果?   想要有厚實胸膛、明顯臀線,如何有效鍛鍊局部肌肉?     一本專為健身新手設計的重訓指南,   從基礎觀念到實際操作、從居家健身到善用器材,完全解析、立即上手。     ◎ 五...

作者:Ho, Joseph W.

Joseph W. Ho is Assistant Professor of History at Albion College and Center Associate at the Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan. He is coeditor of War and Occupatio...

