
作者:N’ovec, Marlegrecy

"Double miracles in any place, and in Discovery Bay, Hong Kong in particular, are marvelous events and incredible happenings." In her story, Marlegrecy takes us on a journey that is enriched by her...

作者:Rudlin, David W.

China's most famous movie star goes to London for a magazine photo shoot, and ends up at a construction site with a bullet in her brain. Her manager is missing, and Scotland Yard doesn't know wheth...

作者:Mayer, Emeran, Dr.

Combining cutting-edge neuroscience with the latest discoveries on the human microbiome, a practical guide in the tradition of Wheat Belly and Grain Brain that conclusively demonstrates the inextri...

作者:Wingate, Douglas S.

Every person physically and psychologically develops through distinct stages of life. With each stage grows a wider perspective of self and the world around us. In Circuits and Shen: models of the ...

作者:Guest, Robert

A century ago, migrants often crossed an ocean and never saw their homelands again. Today, they call--or Skype--home the moment their flight has landed, and that's just the beginning. Thanks to che...

作者:Wedman-st.louis, Betty (EDT)

Cannabis is one of the oldest cultivated plants dating back 12,000 years and demonstrates medicinal properties including immune support, anti-inflammatory effects, and cancer-fighting potential. As...


★《防彈飲食》作者第二波,首刷十萬冊,甫出版即登上《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜、Wall Street Journal非小說類暢銷書第五名、全美各大媒體熱訪中 ★美國亞馬遜4.5星暢銷書,近兩百位讀者熱評   你的大腦不是因年齡而退化,而是因為你錯誤的飲食、毒素和不良生活方式,把腦力榨乾了!讓腦力提升的關鍵,就是要讓更多的能量能夠被大腦利用。   「一直到二十世紀末期,科學家才發現所謂的「神...


  * 全國第一本用行動裝置學習韓語,特聘韓籍尹大勳老師錄製首爾腔發音示範影片(全書純韓語錄影∕錄音),善用手機.平板電腦利用『零碎時間』進修,成功的秘訣在於隨時隨地把握時機。   * 跨國界,韓國三大名校S.K.Y.學生聯名推薦,連韓國人也說讚的韓語書   * 全台首本針對韓國語半語語脈分析   此書非買不可的11大理由:   1.跨領域:  國內大學體系跨領域推薦的韓語學習書,國立高雄第...

作者:Morris Hill

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