Circuits and Shen: Models of the Evolution of Consciousness and Chinese Medicine | 維持健康的好方法 - 2024年7月

Circuits and Shen: Models of the Evolution of Consciousness and Chinese Medicine

作者:Wingate, Douglas S.

Every person physically and psychologically develops through distinct stages of life. With each stage grows a wider perspective of self and the world around us. In Circuits and Shen: models of the evolution of consciousness and Chinese medicine, the spectrum of human consciousness is explored from the view of the eight circuit model of the brain and the holonomic theory of development. It is shown how these relate to brain development, psychoneuroendocrinology and holding patterns of the fascial networks throughout the body as well as Eastern subtle body systems. Utilizing this information it becomes possible to lay out a systematic means of informing Chinese medical practitioners and bodyworkers in approaches aimed at treating negative"imprints", psychological impacts or physical illnesses that may develop out of each stage
