

暢銷財經書作家雷浩斯2017年最新力作 專為長期投資人而寫的存股書 教你用2大指標自選優質公司名單 打造比0050報酬率更高的存股組合!   如果你厭倦銀行低利息,想要低風險投資,或者是想要打造被動收入,年年領股息,又擔心自己沒有太多時間研究股票,一定要學會「矩陣式存股法」!   雷浩斯執行價值投資逾10年,他發現,許多投資人研究時間不足,難以透徹研究個股財報,導致績效不盡理想。雷浩斯以...




David Evett (1936-2011) was Professor Emeritus of English at Cleveland State University. He published articles in major journals on Spenser, Donne, Shakespeare, Marvell, and other subjects. His fir...


暢銷財經書作家雷浩斯2017年最新力作 專為長期投資人而寫的存股書 +矩陣式存股打造現金流 DVD 教你用2大指標自選優質公司名單 打造比0050報酬率更高的存股組合!   《雷浩斯教你矩陣式存股法年賺18%》   本書精彩重點   1.利用獲利矩陣選股:兩大財務指標ROE、自由現金流組成獲利能力矩陣評等,一眼看出具獲利能力及股息配發能力的好公司。   2.評估買點3大技巧:從大盤...

作者:Fanuka, Stephen/ Lewine, Edward

Ships in November 2011. Watch the DIY series Million Dollar Contractor with Stephen Fanuka.In What's a Homeowner to Do?, Stephen Fanuka and Edward Lewine explain the basics of home repair and maint...

作者:Westdale, Virgil

In 1942, Virgil Westdale was a successful young flight instructor when the government ousted him from the Air Corps and demoted him to army private. Having grown up as a Japanese American midwester...

作者:Masuda, Minoru/ Masuda, Hana (EDT)/ Bridgman, Dianne W. (EDT)/ Inouye, Daniel K. (FRW)

This is the first collection of letters by a member of the legendary 442nd Combat Team, which served in Italy and France during World War II. Written to his wife by a medic serving with the segrega...

作者:Gardner, Iain (EDT)/ BeDuhn, Jason (EDT)/ Dilley, Paul C. (EDT)

The Chapters of the Wisdom of My Lord Mani, a Coptic papyrus codex preserved at the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin, describes Mani's mission, teachings and debates with sages in the courts of the...


作者:Duus, Masayo/ Duus, Peter (TRN)

Unlikely Liberators is the action-filled story of the men of the 100th Battalion and the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Not trusted to fight in the Pacific, these sons of Japanese immigrants were se...
