
作者:Hu, Hua-Ling

The Japanese army's brutal four-month occupation of the city of Nanking during the 1937 Sino-Japanese War is known, for good reason, as "the rape of Nanking." As they slaughtered an estimated three...

作者:Parramore, Karin

Acupressure uses the same pressure points of acupuncture but instead of needles, you simply use your fingers to gently but firmly stimulate your body's natural ability to heal. With its easy and c...

作者:Grace, Karen

Everything vibrates. And everything in the body vibrates at its own special frequency. This is scientific fact. When we are thrown out of balance through physical, emotional or psychic shocks, our ...

作者:Jang, Jeonhee

Body Reshaping through Muscle and Skin Meridian Therapy: An Introduction to 6 Body Types shows you how your weight and body shape can be a direct result of ill health and explains the structures an...

作者:Tonsetic, Robert L.

The 199th Light Infantry Brigade was created from three U.S. infantry battalions of long lineage as a fast reaction force to place in Vietnam. As the book begins, in December 1967, the brigade has ...

作者:Weiner, Eric J

Acclaimed financial journalist Eric J. Weiner reveals how foreign countries and private investors are increasingly controlling the global economy and secretly wresting power from the United States ...

作者:Mo Willems

★如怪獸般轟動市場的紐約時報暢銷書!  ★六次艾美獎得主「芝麻街」作者幽默新書,屢獲各大獎項,再掀童書風雲!  ★鼓勵孩子尋找自我價值,發掘個人天賦,活出快樂光采!     一個平凡怪獸不平凡的故事,阿抖是一隻失敗的怪獸——身為一隻怪獸卻毫無用武之地,不管他怎麼努力,用盡各種辦法,他就是不可怕。終於,阿抖找到了一個很容易受驚嚇的小男孩,他真的可以如願以償,把小男孩嚇得屁滾尿流嗎?...

作者:Cross, John R.

Acupuncture and the chakra energy system have both become increasingly mainstream in the West, but rarely have the two approaches been joined into one practice. Acupuncture and the Chakra Energy Sy...

作者:Veret, Patrick, M.D./ Cuomo, Cristina/ Burigana, Fabio, M.D./ Dell’Aglio, Antonio, M.D./ Graham, Jon E. (TRN)

A revolutionary nutrient therapy that stimulates the energetic pathways of the body to improve physical and psychological health--without needles - Explains how Nutripuncture accelerates the body's...

作者:Yoshihara, Toshi

Mao Tse-tung counseled, "To achieve victory we must as far as possible make the enemy blind and deaf by sealing his eyes and ears, and drive his commanders to distraction by creating confusion in t...

作者:Lam, Kam Chuen/ Chuen, Lam Kam

For centuries, the Chinese exercise system called Chi Kung has been shrouded in secrecy. The Way of Energy is the first comprehensive guide to the most powerful form of Chi Kung ever developed--"st...


如果北韓是綻放笑容的地獄, 他就是在地獄裡幽微閃爍的螢火蟲之光……   韓國kyobo、英國Amazon書店讀者★★★★★驚世推薦!   我不是用筆和墨水寫這本書,我用的是血淚和骨頭。或許這些故事像沙漠一樣貧瘠、像荒野雜草一樣粗糙,或是像石製工具一樣不堪,但親愛的讀者,請您讀它吧! ──潘迪   在這裡,「階級成分」不好的人,連努力的資格都沒有;孩子害怕馬克思肖像,父母就等著被流放;...

作者:Dechar, Lorie Eve

The Five Spirits are the Taoist map of the human psyche. The system provides a view of the nervous system and forms the basis of Chinese medical psychology. It also describes a precise and efficien...

作者:Wang, Kathy

Some of us are more equal than others....Meet Stanley Huang: father, husband, ex-husband, man of unpredictable tastes and temper, aficionado of all-inclusive vacations and bargain luxury goods, new...

作者:Zhang, Hong-Chao

For centuries, Chinese qigong masters have observed the liberating, graceful movements of the Wild Goose in flight and adopted these flowing gestures to improve their own health and well-being. Now...

