
作者:Law, Michael John

Michael John Law is a research fellow in history at the University of Westminster and the author of Not Like Home: American Visitors to Britain in the 1950s.

作者:Law, Michael John

Michael John Law is a research fellow in history at the University of Westminster and the author of Not Like Home: American Visitors to Britain in the 1950s.


Sabina E. Deitrick is Associate Dean and Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs and Co-Director Urban and Regional Analysis program, University Center for So...


Sabina E. Deitrick is Associate Dean and Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs and Co-Director Urban and Regional Analysis program, University Center for So...


  本書詳細介紹與蜂蜜的相關知識背景,透過古老智慧與現代科學的結合,將蜂蜜與香草兩者混合產生的加乘作用,應用於製作原創草本蜂蜜、浸劑、醋蜜、酊劑、飲料、甜點與發酵食,以改善日常生活各種不適症狀。在倡導均衡保健及最重要的「食療」觀念之時,更能懂得如何珍惜蜂蜜的使用、以及如何替蜜蜂保育盡一份心力。     ★首本將蜂蜜與草本結合的純天然食療法──透過具有修復能力的金黃風味,打造零藥物健康新...

作者:Mills, Mark P.

Mark P. Mills is a Manhattan Institute senior fellow, a faculty fellow at Northwestern University, and partner in the Montrose Lane, an energy-tech venture fund. He is author of several books: Digi...

作者:Strauss, Steve

Steve Strauss is an internationally recognized author, lawyer, and speaker. His column on USATODAY.com is one of the most syndicated business columns in the world. He is the author of 15 books, inc...

作者:Liu, Ji

Ji Liu is Professor of Comparative Education and Economics of Education at Shaanxi Normal University, and is interested in education policy research at the intersection of teachers, learners, skill...

作者:Brenner, Robert

New edition of Brenner's now classic survey of the world economy from 1950 to the presentFor years, the discipline of economics has been moving steadily away from the real world towards formalized ...


再頂級的保養品都比不上「純天然」 以天然草本為原料,全面取代化學合成物 韓國第一天然手作保養品牌,170款獨門配方首次公開   為什麼要自己做「天然保養品」?   為敏感膚質找到最安心的守護   杜絕塑料與化學品,有益肌膚、友善環境的生活新主張   享受手作天然皂、香氛蠟燭的單純快樂   給小寶寶嬌嫩脆弱的肌膚最細緻的照護   不被品牌綁架,選擇純天然、適合自己的配方   ◎與其衡量...


  擷取蔬果藥草天然的特性,溫和親膚不刺激。   專業講師親授,30款友善肌膚的天然皂方,調理、呵護各種肌膚一次到位!   從零開始,掌握製皂重點「鹼、水、油」組合搭配,加入蔬果、中藥、香草的可靠效用,為自己及家人做最好用的專屬皂方,洗髮、洗臉、洗澡一皂搞定。   ‧草本植物手工皂,用花草的舒緩特性穩定肌膚狀況   舒緩頭皮、強健活化髮根的養髮皂,可改善過敏狀況且保濕性佳的潔膚皂等,花草...

作者:Noel, Thomas J.

Thomas J. "Dr. Colorado" Noel heads History Colorado’s State Historians Council. He is a Professor of History and Director of Public History, Preservation & Colorado Studies at University of Colora...

作者:Carlin, Peter Ames

作者:Maldonado, A. W.

A. W. Maldonado is a retired journalist who spent more than fifty years covering Puerto Rico’s politics and economy as reporter and columnist for the San Juan Star and editor of El Mundo and El Rep...

作者:Fankhänel, Teresa

Teresa Fankhänel is a curator at the Architekturmuseum der TUM in Munich, Germany.

