【問題】Emotion management?推薦回答


  本書透過生活化的文字與實例,說明情緒管理的重要觀點與策略。透過本書的詳細說明與練習方法,讀者可以對自身的情緒有更多的認識理解,也可學習與情緒共處、調適情緒的一些方法。藉由書中的自我探索與練習實作可提升個人的情緒覺察力與情緒管理能力,提升心理素質與心理韌性,有助於個人身心健康發展,開創豐富人生。 作者簡介 蔡秀玲   學歷/國立台灣師範大學教育心理與輔導研究所博士   現任/中原大...


  當惱人的情緒來襲時,如何重拾愉快的心情?   只要你願意放下煩惱,便能為自己創造幸福!      你想要控制情緒,卻被情緒反撲而陷入困境嗎?   情緒從哪裡來?該如何面對浪潮洶湧的情緒波濤?      聖嚴法師在本書中,不但說明情緒的根源   是來自於煩惱「五毒」──貪、瞋、癡、慢、疑;   並以佛法的觀念和方法,幫助我們在面對各種情緒干擾時,   能夠將貪欲轉成願心,以慈心化解瞋心,以...

作者:Kapoor, Avinash

Emotions can organize cognitive processes or disorganize them, be active or passive, lead to adaptation, or maladaptation. Consumers may be conscious of their emotions or may be motivated by uncons...

作者:Bolton, Sharon C.

The exciting new book explores the management of emotion in organizations and the emotion management skills organizational actors need to possess in order to achieve organizational objectives whils...

作者:Zerbe/ Zerbe, Wilfred (EDT)/ Ashkanasy, Neal M. (EDT)/ Hartel, Charmine E. J. (EDT)

Affect and emotion have been recognized as important factors in understanding behavior in organizations, as evidenced by the increasing frequency of special journal issues, themed conferences, and ...

作者:Nicol, Valerie De Courville

All behaviours, indeed all forms of agency, are viewed as emotionally-driven. This book provides an approach to emotional experience and agency which drastically nuances the commonly held view that...


  一、心寧靜:情緒管理教學   二、您知道嗎?孩子也渴望能靜心   塵封十年的往事   老師:我想換位子!我發現我坐在XX和XX旁邊會讓我越來越貪玩!並不是因為她兩個不好!只是我會覺得我越來越不想讀書!呃….我想還是換回像以前那樣的蓮花座吧!哈….嗯,什麼時候可以換?段考後嗎?   三、心寧靜-做情緒的主人   寧靜的孩子能量高、寧靜的老師氣質好、寧靜的父母沒煩惱。   四、寧靜的家...


  一、對人格特質的基本認識  二、不同人格特質面對人及外在世界的方式  三、不同人格特質的主要特徵,生命觀點、最希望活出一個怎樣的人生?  四、各種人格特質面對壓力如何調適?  情緒卡住如何穿越?  五、不同人格特質的內在渴求是什麼?  六、如何與各類型的人溝通?  七、如何與各類型的人相處?  八、學習效益-耕心更新  對己:整合各類型的健康潛力,展現各類型的長處,活出自信喜悅的生活。 ...

作者:Kent, Ryan

作者:Snowden, Samantha/ Hill, Andrew, Ph.D. (FRW)/ Rebar, Sarah (ILT)

Help your child gain control of their emotions with interactive exercises and activitiesEveryone gets angry, but teaching kids how to respond to anger is what really matters. The Anger Management W...

作者:Fazzin, Sara

Organizations have traditionally focused on competitive advantage strategies to improve their companies. However, new research points to the evaluation of employees' thoughts and emotions in the wo...



作者:Humphrey, Ronald H. (EDT)

A volume in Research in Management (Sponsored by the Southern Management Association) Series Editors Linda L. Neider and Chester A. Schriesheim, University of Miami Affect and Emotion includes a va...

作者:Humphrey, Ronald H. (EDT)

A volume in Research in Management (Sponsored by the Southern Management Association) Series Editors Linda L. Neider and Chester A. Schriesheim, University of Miami Affect and Emotion includes a va...

