
作者:Adele Liu

*遠嫁拿坡里的台灣媳婦整理傳統拿坡里食譜書!   就算三面臨火山、總理下台、退出歐盟,   每天最重要的還是今天吃什麼!   這就是拿坡里的廚房日常!   拿坡里不是只有披薩。   很抱歉,只有窯爐才能做出搆得上拿坡里人標準的披薩,所以本書沒有收錄。那麼,拿坡里的婆婆媽媽都用什麼好菜餵飽一家子?   十一年前,一位台南少女為愛遠嫁到這南義第一大城,在義大利家人的傳承之下,不但學會了一手...

作者:Knight, Yvonne D.

"I don't want to die in a nursing home, please stay with me till I die." were the words of Adele. Little did I know that I said "yes" to more than just living with her - I said "yes" to multiple hy...


暢銷30年,本書至今仍然有效! 有了這本書,終於可以停止和孩子之間的爭吵了!   ◎波士頓環球報盛讚:「教養的聖經!」   ◎紐約時報親子教養書暢銷第1名作者,聯手力作的長銷經典   ◎出版30週年全新修訂版――新增收錄「跨世代的實際運用經驗分享」   ◎影響全美超過400萬個家庭  授權全球30多種語言版本   ◎美國亞馬遜暢銷榜長踞第一  讀者5顆星保證的經典教養必備   你與孩子...

作者:Odgers, Sally

Sally Odgers’s books for children include the Jack Russell, Pet Vet and Pup Patrol series, which are published in Australia, where she lives. She wrote Good Night, Truck for her grandson Ash, who l...

作者:Medici, Esther Ting

Personal Strength and Fervent Prayers; to encourage young kids to be strong and not to lose hope, because God is everywhere. Anything you want in life you could asked the Lord, he will abundantly s...

作者:Riley, Kathleen

Before "Fred and Ginger," there was "Fred and Adele," a show-business partnership and cultural sensation like no other. In our celebrity-saturated era, it's hard to comprehend what a genuine phenom...

作者:Miller, Gary Lee,Booysen, Adele


孩子,應該是我生命裡的最愛 孩子的誕生,卻成了我生命裡的最痛…… 陪伴將近十月的孕肚,曾以為所有的震動與翻攪,都是幸福的節奏 為什麼殷殷期盼的卸貨,卻讓這些美好畫上了休止符? 伴侶、家人、親友甚至路人甲,蜂擁而來的關心令人窒息; 臉書、IG上迅速恢復體態的超人媽咪,讓我再也不想看鏡子一眼; 為了親餵忍受破皮與失眠,就怕不餵會離寶寶越來越遠; 想請保母讓自己喘口氣,又擔心她搶走寶寶的愛與依賴...

作者:Odgers, Sally

Sally Odgers’s books for children include the Jack Russell, Pet Vet and Pup Patrol series, which are published in Australia, where she lives. She wrote Good Night, Truck for her grandson Ash, who l...

作者:Miller, Cass

London is the next pitstop in Adele's rollercoster life, hoping some souvenirs she pick's up along the way are a hotshot career, a size 8 figure and finger's cross a man. Unluckily for Adele she pi...

