

Deirdre A. Gaquin has been a data use consultant to private organizations, government agencies, and universities for nearly 30 years. Prior to that, she was Director of Data Access Services at Data...

作者:Human Rights Watch

HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH is one of the world’s leading independent organizations dedicated to defending and protecting human rights, and operates in more than eighty countries. Its annual World Report is...


Martha Cheng came to Hawaii for a boy and stayed for its food, ocean, and people. She is the former food editor of Honolulu Magazine and now writes feature stories for local and national publicatio...

作者:Lonely Planet

作者:Lonely Planet

作者:岸政彦(Kishi Masahiko)

第6回紀伊國屋人文大賞TOP 1! ★入圍芥川獎的社會學家首部田野人生隨筆集★ ★一本擁抱「無意義」的生命之書★ 很久沒遇到一本,令我這麼捨不得讀完的書了。 ──上野千鶴子/社會學家,著有《厭女》、《一個人的老後》   我們的生活明明和這麼多人產生交集,   為何每個人在自己的大腦裡,卻都是孤伶伶的一個人?   隱身於日本社會的沖繩人、部落民與在日朝鮮人;   遺忘於陽光下的黑...


  本套書為「專技人員普考-不動產經紀人考試」專用,內容涵蓋:   1. 不動產經紀人 強登金榜寶典-不動產估價概要   2. 不動產經紀人 強登金榜寶典-土地法與土地相關稅法概要   3. 不動產經紀人 強登金榜寶典-不動產經紀相關法規概要   4. 不動產經紀人 強登金榜寶典-民法概要   ★口碑推薦實績!強登老師的好,讓上榜考生親自告訴你......★   您好,我是在11/5下單...


Pauline Frommer started traveling with her guidebook-writing parents at the age of four months and hasn’t stopped since. She is the Editorial Director for the Frommer Guidebooks and Frommers.com, a...




Diana K. Schwam, writer and strategic marketing consultant, has authored numerous books articles about New Orleans. She followed a familiar path to the city: vacation; enrapture; home-ownership; we...

