Technoscience: The Politics of Interventions | 維持健康的好方法 - 2024年6月

Technoscience: The Politics of Interventions

作者:Asdal, Kristin (EDT)/ Brenna, Brita (EDT)/ Moser, Ingunn (EDT)

Science is a social practice. It intervenes in nature and politics. It shapes our ways of life and our social and political realities. In this book, the issue of politics is placed at the core of knowledge production. The objective is to offer tools and resources for critical reflection and analysis of the role of politics and the political in science and technology. The book provides a critical introduction to the field of science and technology studies (STS) and traces how different notions of political, as well as social, movements have been central to shaping this interdisciplinary field of study. The various articles provide examples of how political engagement is currently discussed and practiced in STS. They explore objects and places, such as the Zimbabwean bush pump, fluorine pollution from an aluminum production site in Norway, scallops in France's St. Brieuc bay, and the genetics of the Marfan's Syndrome in a hospital laboratory. The book is also a meeting point between influential feminist contributions and important actor-network-studies in STS.
