【問題】thematic apperception test中文?推薦回答

作者:Bloom, Jannette

作者:Schmidt, Muhammad Wolfgang G. a.

Dr. Schmidt is a sinologist, linguist and theologian with extensive experience in foreign language teaching. He has a number of widely sold textbooks on Chinese language and related subjects to his...

作者:Bloom, Jannette

作者:Jiao, Liwei/ Yang, Yan/ Liu, Wei

A Thematic Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese is a unique resource for intermediate to advanced students of Chinese. The dictionary presents 9,000 words organized thematically in approximately 300 ...

作者:Wei, Jing

Jing Wei is an associate professor in College of International Studies at Southwest University, China. She holds a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics. She has been teaching English as a foreign language ...

作者:Schmidt, Muhammad Wolfgang G. a.

Dr. Schmidt is a sinologist, linguist and theologian with extensive experience in foreign language teaching. He has a number of widely sold textbooks on Chinese language and related subjects to his...

作者:Peter Kim

■將第一版的內容全新升級! ■採用大量真實案例和極有幫助的建議。 ■可以按所需閱讀,也可以逐章進行。 ■不需具備滲透測試的相關背景。   本書是暢銷書《The Hacker Playbook : Practical Guide to Penetration Testing》的全新更新版,它對上一版內容進行全面更新,並補充大量的新知識。本書採用大量真實案例和極有幫助的建議,講解了在滲透測試期...

作者:Wei, Jing

This book focuses on how instruction affects English learners' use of Theme and thematic progression (thematic organization). While thematic organization in learner English has been extensively stu...


你真的知道韓檢怎麼考嗎? NEW TOPIK考的不只是語文能力 更考驗你的知識涉獵範圍、作答時間掌控與作答技巧     讓慶熙大學國際校區老師專為海外學生精心研發的三回仿真試題,   為你解剖題型,只要一次就能考取好成績!   ★聽力測驗如何得高分?利用本書熟練聽力的答題節奏!   中高級聽力測驗共有50題,測驗時間60分鐘,平均每題作答時間約1.2分鐘。1~20題皆為一個音檔回答一項問題...

作者:Meyer, Florian Kagan

How did the (old) Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) assess the Chinese proficiency of non-native speakers of Chinese? What inferences can be derived from HSK test taker scores, especially from Western te...


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