【問題】scrabble sprint poki?推薦回答


Google創投認證!Google最實用的工作方法 ————SPRINT衝刺計畫———— 所有產業、所有規模的企業甚至個人都適用! 5天5步驟高效率工作流程 迅速解決難題・測試新構想・完成更多任務・加快工作速度 「如果六年前我回國開始做新事業時就有這本書的話, 今天我的成就一定會比現在高很多。」 ────翟本喬|和沛科技總經理 《紐約時報》暢銷書|AMAZON網路書店暢銷書|...

作者:Joseph, Naomi

Naomi Joseph received a Masters of Science in Speech and Language Pathology from Teachers College, Columbia University and is currently in the thick of her 23 year career helping children with feed...

作者:Roam, Dan

Dan Roam is the author of four international bestsellers on clear thinking, visual storytelling, and persuasive communications, including The Back of the Napkin: Solving Problems and Selling Ideas ...

作者:Wells, Biddy

Biddy Wells lives in West Wales. She is passionate about her writing. She walks daily and loves nature, especially the Pembrokeshire coast and hills. She has two grown up children and adores her re...

作者:Navarro, Bob,Navarro, Espy

作者:Navarro, Bob,Navarro, Espy

作者:Navarro, Bob,Navarro, Espy

作者:McGuire, Russell

作者:Navarro, Bob &. Espy

作者:Lanyon, Josh

