【問題】google獎勵app ios?推薦回答


  「滑世代經濟」的時代來臨,動動手指就能隨時成就交易,然而在成交之前必需要有可以吸引購買欲望的動機,而動機要如何成形?行銷方式與關鍵手法不容忽視,本書將告訴你如何做行動行銷,善用LINE@、Google、FB、人工智慧等工具,作好有效整合及運用,達到使企業獲利的最佳行銷效果!   本書對行動行銷這個議題做了廣泛的介紹,除了提供行動行銷必須要懂的基礎資訊外,並針對許多成功案例與創新技術進行...

作者:McNeish, Kevin

Updated for iOS 7 and Xcode 5 Review"I have spent a small fortune on beginner programming books that have consistently left me scratching my head. I've often wondered if I just didn't have the abil...

作者:曾騰裕Stephen Browning

市面單字書何其多?我們這本哪裡不一樣? 若背過的單字無法讓你活學活用,記來何用? 目標中上英語程度(即雅思6.5級分)者必備 獲選國圖臺灣代表性圖書作者聯手打造品質有目共睹   雅思考試主要分成聽、說、讀、寫四大單元,出題方式靈活,故準備IELTS,不能「死背」單字,而是將單字片語「活用」聽讀說寫中,方能在打好基礎的同時,全方位提昇雅思測驗必須具備的四項能力。雅思6.5級分是英語中上...

作者:Yamacli, Serhan

This book covers iOS 11 app design fundamentals using the latest Swift 4 programming language, Xcode 9 and iOS 11 SDK. The author assumes you have no experience in app development. The book starts ...


基於一款蘋果在線應用商店實際iOS應用——SagePoet APP實例的開發出品過程而寫就的書,記錄了從零開始直到上線銷售的全部過程及實現細節。麻雀雖小,五臟俱全,涉及iOS應用誕生過程的各個方面,能夠自成體系。

作者:Wang, Wallace

Explore how to use ARKit to create iOS apps and learn the basics of augmented reality while diving into ARKit specific topics. This book reveals how augmented reality allows you to view the screen ...

作者:Cacheaux, Rene,Berlin, Josh,Tutorial Team, Raywenderlich

作者:Cahill, Bear

Bear Cahill has been a developer since he was 12. Like many developers, he initially wanted to be a game developer, but that’s not as accessible as data-driven development roles. Much of the focus ...

作者:Wu, Jiann-Ming,Tien, Chao-Yuan

作者:Yamacli, Serhan

作者:Sanderson, Dan

This practical guide shows intermediate and advanced web and mobile app developers how to build highly scalable Java applications in the cloud with Google App Engine. The flagship of Google's Cloud...

