【問題】Shattering 中文?推薦回答

作者:Reichs, Kathy

  【亞馬遜網路書店】:『《看!死亡的顏色》將你一步步引入瀕死的險地,從陳屍地到解剖室,從溫暖的藩籬而至嚴寒刺骨的絕地……凱絲.萊克斯氛圍濃烈而撼人的驚悚力作,奠定她在犯罪小說領域的地位!』   【圖書館月刊】:『凱絲.萊克斯在描寫屍體的入微程度,以及在科學技巧之外的真情流露,甚至勝過她的處女作《聽!骨頭在說話》,令人更為之動容!』     【有聲檔案雜誌】:『這部作品堪稱驚悚小說中的上...

作者:May, Peter/ Vance, Simon (NRT)

A top Chinese swimmer kills himself on the eve of an international event, shattering his country's hopes of victory against the Americans. An Olympic weightlifter dies in the arms of his Beijing mi...

作者:Reichs, Kathy

  「巴斯噶一手勒住我的喉嚨,另一隻手使勁把我的手肘反扳過來,他推著我走過群眾,架在我脖子上的刀刃隨著每個步伐不停跳動,我感覺有鮮血從我頸部一側流下。      我向四周尋找任何能提供救援的人,經過的卻是一張張消極萎靡、刻著冷漠神情的面孔,沒有任何人關心發生在我身上的事。      我的心狂跳,血壓也急速升高,以前我雖然有過一、兩次這種生命結束的預感,但從沒像現在這般鮮明。當巴斯噶把我推進大...


Early in the seventeenth century, Northeast Asian politics hung in a delicate balance among the Chosŏn dynasty in Korea, the Ming in China, and the Manchu. When a Chosŏn faction realigned Korea wit...

作者:Iles, Greg

Sometimes the price of justice is a good man's soul.The #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Natchez Burning trilogy returns with an electrifying tale of friendship, betrayal, and shattering...

作者:Brady, James

War has been the inspiration of such great novels as The Red Badge of Courage and A Farewell to Arms, and daring feats of courage and tragic mistakes have been the foundation for such classic works...

作者:Slimani, Leila

 一首媽媽從前唱給我聽的溫柔之歌,    現在我要唱給你聽。    我的小寶貝,為你    一直到我生命的盡頭。      榮獲「2016法國龔固爾文學大獎」取材真實社會事件,衝擊人心之作!        「為什麼我們雇請別人來照顧孩子,卻又害怕那人取代我們的位子?」   她是兩個小孩的母親。在第二個孩子出生後,她決定走出家庭,重回律師的行業,卻也面臨不得不把孩子交予他人照顧的難為處境。在千...

作者:Bickers, Robert (EDT)/ Tiedemann, R. G. (EDT)

In 1900, China chose to take on imperialism by fighting a war with the world on the parched north China plain. This multidisciplinary volume explores the causes behind what is now known as the Boxe...

作者:Iles, Greg

"An ambitious stand-alone thriller that is both an absorbing crime story and an in-depth exploration of grief, betrayal and corruption... Iles's latest calls to mind the late, great Southern noveli...

作者:Novik, Naomi

"A splendid series."-Anne McCaffrey "Naomi Novik has done for the Napoleonic Wars what Anne McCaffrey did for science fiction: constructed an alternate reality in which dragons are real in a saga t...

作者:Maso, Carole

"An intense, incantatory, erotic novel . . . An exquisitely calibrated evocation of longing and lust."--Vogue Abandoned by her lover of ten years and devastated by the painful death of her brother,...

作者:Chen, Janet Y.

In the early twentieth century, a time of political fragmentation and social upheaval in China, poverty became the focus of an anguished national conversation about the future of the country. Inves...

作者:Gefter, Amanda

NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY KIRKUS REVIEWSIn a memoir of family bonding and cutting-edge physics for readers of Brian Greene's The Hidden Reality and Jim Holt's Why Does the World Ex...

作者:Weiwei, Ai,Tancock, John,Tung, Stephanie H.

An autobiography in pictures: photographs taken by Ai Weiwei that capture his emergence as the uniquely provocative artist that he is today.Ai Weiwei: Beijing Photographs 1993-2003 is an autobiogra...


Early in the seventeenth century, Northeast Asian politics hung in a delicate balance among the Chosŏn dynasty in Korea, the Ming in China, and the Manchu. When a Chosŏn faction realigned Korea wit...

