【問題】Rehearsal 中文?推薦回答


1944年5月,美國猶太人委員會(the American Jewish Committee)邀請了具有不同學術背景的美國學者,舉行了為期兩天的關於宗教與民族偏見的會議。會議期間,與會者制訂了一項研究計划,以便解決當時的一個主要問題:偏見。……他們制訂了兩種研究標准,一種研究標准所涉范圍較窄,主要針對社會教育遇到的問題,例如,人們對當時社會生活中若干重大事件的反應,以及對大眾傳媒在報道團體之...

作者:Kreisler, Fritz (COP)/ Anderson, Greg (ADP)

Greg Anderson and Elizabeth Joy Roe are perhaps the most thrilling young duo performing today, offering adrenalized classical concerts that are revolutionizing the piano duo experience for the 21st...

作者:Harmsen, Peter/ Backman, George (NRT)

This deeply researched book describes one of the great forgotten battles of the 20th century. At its height it involved nearly a million Chinese and Japanese soldiers, while sucking in three millio...

作者:Harmsen, Peter

"In the voluminous literature on World War II, few books treat the Sino-Japanese War, and few of those are accessible to non-specialists. Thankfully, seasoned East Asian correspondent Peter Harmsen...

作者:Jiang, Emily/ Chu, April (ILT)

Every musician knows that learning to play an instrument has its challenges and its rewards. There's the embarrassing first day of rehearsal, but also the joy of making friends in the orchestra. Th...

作者:Homan, Sidney

An Impossible Question From A Chinese Actor - Why is Shakespeare eternal? - drove Sidney Homan after fifty years in the theater to ponder just what makes Shakespeare... well, Shakespeare. The resul...

作者:Karna, Duane R. (EDT)

"The fusion of text with music is one of the most powerful methods by which a composer can express emotion to an audience, yet, all too often, the diction of choral groups is lacking to such a degr...

作者:Harmsen, Peter

This deeply researched book describes one of the great forgotten battles of the 20th century. At its height it involved nearly a million Chinese and Japanese soldiers, while sucking in three millio...

