
作者:Prince, Eric F.

Author Eric F. Prince is determined to assist mankind in every way that he can. Whether it be though Christian Counseling, psychological services, law-enforcement, or all three frameworks. Eric F. ...

作者:Prince, Eric F.

Author Eric F. Prince is determined to assist mankind in every way that he can. Whether it be though Christian Counseling, psychological services, law-enforcement, or all three frameworks. Eric F. ...

作者:Wells, Amanda


Heng Choon (Oliver) Chan is Associate Professor of Criminology at City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR. His research focuses on psycho-criminology of crimes and criminal behaviour, violent ...

作者:Boyes, Shandi


  完美的社會只是幻想嗎?理想國的信仰,受到嚴峻挑戰──      只要在事發之前逮捕「犯罪指數」過高的「潛在犯」,就能確保社會安寧──這個由偉大的「希貝兒先知系統」確立的理想國準則,在槙島聖護這名不管犯下多麼殘忍的罪行,「犯罪指數」都不會上升的男子現身之後,遭到完全顛覆。若是無法偵測出「犯罪指數」過高,哪怕做出傷天害理的行為,刑警亦不能將其視為罪犯加以制裁。      在槙島的計謀下,光天...

作者:Bloch, Robert

The story was all too real-indeed this classic was inspired by the real-life story of Ed Gein, a psychotic murderer who led a dual life. Alfred Hitchcock too was captivated, and turned the book int...

作者:Thomas, Joe

Joe Thomas is the author of the São Paulo Quartet - Paradise City, Gringa, Playboy and Brazilian Psycho - and Bent, his first London novel.

作者:Bloch, Robert/ Garcia, Paul Michael (NRT)

作者:Needler, Guy

Guy Needler, MBA, MSc, CEng, MIET, MCMA, trained as a mechanical engineer and became a chartered electrical and electronics engineer. However, throughout this earthly training he was always aware o...

作者:Banaszak, Eliot

