
作者:Kelly, Walt/ Evanier, Mark (EDT)/ Reynolds, Eric (EDT)/ Peters, Mike (FRW)/ Gaiman, Neil (FRW)

Vol. 3 presents all of 1953 and 1954's daily strips complete and in order for the first time anywhere. Pogo: The Syndicated Comic Strip Vol. 4 also contains all 104 Sunday strips from those two yea...

作者:Kelly, Walt/ Tapper, Jake (FRW)

This is the first time Pogo has been complete and in chronological order for the first time anywhere--with all 104 Sunday strips from these two years presented in lush full color for the first time...

作者:Costa, Coy

作者:Lockwood, George/ Borgman, Jim (FRW)

In this memoir, Lockwood draws upon his forty years in the newspaper industry as a reporter and as an editor, offering a unique glimpse into the world of newspaper cartoon strips. He details the pr...


有人的地方就有立場, 面對衝突對立面, 如何不被惹怒,也不逃避, 輕鬆有效溝通、說服對方或共創雙贏?   ★榮獲2017年美國自我成長類最佳圖書獎決選   ★多位商管、個人成長書籍暢銷作者齊聲讚譽!   在與人相處時,你是否也有以下的情況——   .一遇衝突就退縮,即使覺得委屈,也寧可悶在心裡   .面對衝突就暴怒,說話傷人又傷己,讓關係破裂   .總看不慣某些人的行為,即使對方沒...

作者:Travel, Diary

作者:Swann, Nicki

作者:Kelly, Walt

