【問題】Openness to experience?推薦回答

作者:Fitzgerald, Ashley

Discover a step by step method on how to practice Yoga in order to improve your sex life This book will show you how Yoga can improve your health and sex drive as well as your sexual experience to ...

作者:Johanyak, Debra

Most of us claim to value honesty and openness in communication, but we often settle for insincerity and ambiguity. We valiantly try to say what we mean, all the while using words, attitudes, and e...

作者:Low, Daniel H. Y./ Tung, Chung Kwang (FRW)

Buddhism and Taoism remain vibrant and prominent in Singapore's religious landscape. Yet, little is known of why Chinese Singaporeans chose and remain in these ancient religions. Analyzing over thi...


  ◆ 《藝術認證》改版全新再出發,揚帆啟航首刊必收   ◆ 主題策畫半年刊,完整收錄11篇策展評論專文   ◆ 23組藝術家作品圖錄精彩彙整,全文中英對照   ◆ 從海洋、島嶼到人類世,疫情時代中的全新議題思索     曾經,人類隨著湧動的洋流遠航,從南島語族的遷徙到大航海時代的冒險,造就了無數文化的相遇與碰撞,促使世界形成我們今日所認知的模樣。如今,新的浪潮再度撲湧而來,特別是從2020...

作者:Machado, Carmen Maria

  美國國家書卷獎決選《她的身體與其它派對 Her Body and Other Parties》卡門・瑪麗亞・馬查多回憶錄     在《她的身體與其它派對》,馬查多寫了八個短篇,以奇幻、恐怖、寫實的不同筆法描繪八位女性與她們的身體,映照加諸於女性身上的限制與暴力。當筆鋒轉向自己,馬查多的回憶錄仍像是注定般地以破格的手法呈現,依然精銳地活用她擅長的各種筆觸──黑色敘事、文學評論、魔幻...

作者:Arpa, Maria

The realities of the modern-day workplace can include stress, pressure and apathy, but with a thoughtful approach and an openness to change, anyone can transform their work experience. In Mindfulne...

作者:Knowles, Sebastian D. G.

At Fault is an exhilarating celebration of risk-taking in the work of James Joyce. Esteemed Joyce scholar and teacher Sebastian Knowles critiques the state of the modern American university, denoun...

作者:Raviv, Orna

Ethics of Cinematic Experience: Screens of Alterity deals with the relationship between cinema and ethics from a philosophical perspective, finding an intrinsic connection between film spectatorshi...

作者:Mildenberg, Ariane

Braiding together strands of literary, phenomenological and art historical reflection, Modernism and Phenomenology explores the ways in which modernist writers and artists return us to wonder befor...

作者:Gilbert, Roger

In the twentieth century no form of experience has been more frequently taken up by poets eager to capture both the openness and fluidity of life and the aesthetic closure of an artwork than that o...

作者:Weathers, Taraleigh

How to Rock Your Life is the book the author wished existed when she was suffering from a chronic case of post-show blues. Beating them with a rainstick, a hacky-sack, and a big boatload of intenti...

作者:Ministries, Road to New Life,Rehberg, Phil J.

THE MIDWEST BOOK REVIEW: "Thoughtful and driven reading, "The Road to New Life" holds a powerful message, highly recommended." - (November 2010) This fresh and intriguing book about the road to God...

作者:Coberly, Margaret, Ph.D.

Working as an emergency room nurse, Margaret Coberly came in contact with death on a daily basis. However, it wasn't until her own brother was diagnosed with terminal cancer that she realized she u...

作者:Bell, Laura/ Brunton-spall, Michael/ Smith, Rich/ Bird, Jim

Agile continues to be the most adopted software development methodology among organizations worldwide, but it generally hasn't integrated well with traditional security management techniques. And m...

作者:Silver, Tosha/ Northrup, Christianne (FRW)

A "playful, enlightening, and creative collection" (Spirituality and Practice) of spiritual lessons, anecdotes, and thoughts on the Divine's intervention in our lives, this brilliantly written and ...

