【問題】Neuroticism meaning?推薦回答


Deborah Beck is Associate Professor in the Department of Classics, University of Texas at Austin. She received her M.A. and Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1997. Her most recent book is Speech Pre...


Joe Barcroft is Professor of Spanish and Second Language Acquisition and Affiliate Professor of Psychological & Brain Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis (USA).Javier Muñoz-Basols is Sen...


每一個悲傷,都值得被好好看見。   轉化哀慟的歷程:否認│憤怒│討價還價│沮喪│接受 尋找意義――將哀慟昇華,成為你人生的力量。     哀慟研究專家,大衛・凱斯樂,曾與伊麗莎白・庫伯勒-羅斯合著《當綠葉緩緩落下》,描繪出失去至親所愛的哀傷歷程:否認、憤怒、討價還價、沮喪、接受;這五個階段,協助人們度過哀慟。而大衛.凱斯樂則以自身的經歷,領悟出轉化哀慟的最終階段――尋找意義。...

作者:Rawle, Matt

作者:Awes Freeman, Jennifer

Jennifer Awes Freeman is Assistant Professor and Program Director of Arts and Theology at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities.


Joe Barcroft is Professor of Spanish and Second Language Acquisition and Affiliate Professor of Psychological & Brain Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis (USA).Javier Muñoz-Basols is Sen...

作者:Parkin, David

David Parkin is an Emeritus Fellow of All Souls College, University of Oxford, UK, where he was a Professor of social anthropology. His research focuses on the coordination of multimodal communicat...

作者:Stephen, Timothy

Timothy Stephen, PhD, is professor of communication at University at Albany (SUNY) specializing in the interrelationships of language, mind, culture, the self-concept, and intimacy, and, particular...

作者:Parkin, David

David Parkin is an Emeritus Fellow of All Souls College, University of Oxford, UK, where he was a Professor of social anthropology. His research focuses on the coordination of multimodal communicat...

作者:Tabbaa, Yasser

Yasser Tabbaa was Dorothy Kayser Hohenberg Chair of Excellence in the Department of Art at the University of Memphis until his retirement in 2014. He is the author of Constructions of Power and Pie...


《易》之為書,卦、爻、彖、象之義備, 而天地萬物之情見,聖人之憂天下來世其至矣。   —朱熹   早在漢代便列為《五經》之首的《周易》,可說是理解中國古代思想文化最核心的經典,即使在二十一世紀的今日仍為各方所重視。南宋朱熹所撰《周易本義》,注解簡明扼要,義理精到,在易學史上占有重要地位,凡治《易》者幾無人不讀,成書數百年來廣受學者肯定。   「大安古典新刊」為服務讀者,以世傳普及的四卷本...

作者:Chen, Angela

Angela Chen is a journalist and writer in New York City. Her reporting and criticism have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Atlantic, Guardian, Paris Review, Electric Literature, Catapult, and e...

