【問題】Mega s65830056?推薦回答

作者:Skarica, David

DAVID SKARICA (Eleuthera, Bahamas) is the founder and Editor of Addicted to Profits, a popular newsletter and website known for its stellar performance in both up and down markets. Skarica entered ...


  你知道現存全世界最早的開合橋在哪裡嗎?   你知道空中纜車和地面纜車利用的是同一種基本原理嗎?   你知道全世界起重能力最強大的起重機,可以抬起多重的物體嗎?   你知道全世界最大、最重的陸上載具是一種挖土機嗎?   你知道機器人ROBOT這個字是怎麼來的嗎?     本書是熱門知識玩具書《這樣玩,機械原理好簡單》系列的進階續作,帶領小朋友一步步透過槓桿、齒輪、滑...


Richard Manchester is the editor of many amazing Grab A Pencil puzzle series on a variety of first-rate subjects including Brain Boosters, Crosswords, Fill-ins, Logic Problems, Sudoku and Word Sear...


Richard Manchester is the editor of many amazing Grab A Pencil puzzle series on a variety of first-rate subjects including Brain Boosters, Crosswords, Fill-ins, Logic Problems, Sudoku and Word Sear...

作者:Make Believe Ideas Ltd


Richard Manchester is the editor of many amazing Grab A Pencil puzzle series on a variety of first-rate subjects including Brain Boosters, Crosswords, Fill-ins, Logic Problems, Sudoku and Word Sear...

作者:Staiger, Annegret

Annegret Staiger is Associate Professor of Anthropology at Clarkson University. She is author of Learning Difference: Race and Schooling in the Multiracial Metropolis.

作者:Staiger, Annegret

Annegret Staiger is Associate Professor of Anthropology at Clarkson University. She is author of Learning Difference: Race and Schooling in the Multiracial Metropolis.


究竟是藝術創造價值,還是商業模式帶動藝術產業?   ▍做好生意才是最令人著迷的藝術。▍ ──────安迪.沃荷(Andy Warhol)   《紐約時報》、《金融時報》、《彭博社》最佳藝術書籍 揭露當代藝術市場的大膽、創造力,與對金錢赤裸裸的野心     當代藝術是世界最大的、不受監管的金融市場;   畫商、藝廊、拍賣公司、藝評人、策展人、藝術家等,   他們如何...

作者:Archie Superstars

THE ARCHIE SUPERSTARS are the impressive line-up of talented writers and artists who have brought Archie, his friends and his world to life for 80 years, from legends such as Dan DeCarlo, Frank Doy...


  未來20年,ETF還是好標的?   ★ 向 被 動 投 資 策 略 發 出 風 險 警 告 的 第 一 本 書 ★   完美經濟風暴來襲!所有成長指標都在走下坡,   當ETF都無法提供穩健報酬的時候,投資策略該如何調整?   「未來幾年,大盤報酬率只會讓人更失望!」——尼爾斯‧詹森   指數追蹤是近年投資主流,除了可以穩健獲得跟指數一致的報酬,還不用花太多時間研究。但這樣的好日子結...

作者:Lander, Eduardo,Liker, Jeffrey K.,Root, Thomas E.

Dr. Eduardo Lander received his doctorate in Manufacturing Engineering from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor (Advisor: Dr Liker). He then went to work for Toyota’s R&D center in Brussels, Be...

