
作者:Wakamoto, Natsumi

This book explores how learners' personalities influence foreign language learning in Japan. In particular, this volume investigates three main research questions: What are the learning strategies ...


  ◎葛瑞格里.哈茲佐博士訪談五百位企業人士,淬鍊出經典、精采的核心性格。  ◎心理學家、人資主管、團隊教練 一致公認、值得信賴的新一代性格解析。   為什麼99%的人都害怕面對自己!?  那是他們沒有專注在自己的優點之上。  你知道什麼工作最適合你嗎?  你能說出自己的個人特質嗎?  以及,你週遭的親友、情人以及同事的個性為什麼是這樣?  又是什麼原因讓他們有這樣的想法和行為?  了解自己...

作者:Emre, Merve

  風靡全球的 MBTI 性向測驗,是伊莎貝爾母女檔在榮格的心理模型基礎下發展出來的心理分析系統。被廣泛運用在各大企業、醫院與軍隊,連時下流行的社交軟體與網站測驗,都喜歡套用這套人格分析系統,初步將人分成內向與外向、理性與感性,並以如此所得的各象限去分析人的心理與行為。   究竟我們為何如此相信 MBTI 性向測驗對我們生活、工作,甚至人際關係的分析?這個測驗最初的構想來自一九二零年代,先...

作者:Merve Emre

  An unprecedented history of the personality test conceived a century ago by a mother and her daughter – fiction writers with no formal training in psychology – and how it insinuated itself into o...

作者:Robert Plomin

One of the world’s top behavioural geneticists argues that we need a radical rethink about what makes us who we are The blueprint for our individuality lies in the 1% of DNA that differs between p...

作者:Holmes, Hannah

Who are you? It's the most fundamental of human questions. Are you the type of person who tilts at windmills, or the one who prefers to view them from the comfort of an air-conditioned motorcoach? ...

