
作者:Lizza, Ryan,Nuzzi, Olivia

Ryan Lizza is the Chief Washington Correspondent for Politico and a political analyst for CNN. Since 1998, he has covered five presidential campaigns and every major national political story. Lizza...

作者:Buildings, Francis Taylor

The author team are from Francis Taylor Building (FTB) who are well-known for the environmental law practice, plus a contribution from Professor Maria Lee who is Professor of Environmental Law at U...

作者:Weiner, Tim

Tim Weiner has won the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award for his reporting and writing on national security and intelligence. He covered the CIA, the war in Afghanistan, and crises and con...

作者:Honetschläger, Edgar,Mayne, Thom

Edgar Honetschläger is a visual artist, screen writer, filmmaker and environmental activist born and raised in Austria. In 1989 he moved from Vienna to NYC and in 1991 on to Tokyo which remained hi...

作者:Dr Peacock, Margaret,Peterson, Erik L.

Dr. Margaret Peacock is a historian of media and propaganda across North America, Europe, and Asia, with graduate degrees in History and Computer Science. She currently teaches at the University of...




  技術分析高手教你當股神   看圖選股一年賺1倍   朱家泓,當了22年股市菜鳥,一直都是賺少賠多,到了57歲才開始學技術分析,並嚴守投資紀律,終於翻身,他使用飆股戰法及目標管理操盤法,達到每年看圖操盤賺1倍的目標,改變了過去在股市賺小錢賠大錢的命運!   他的技術分析課只與親朋好友分享、不對外招生,教室很小,無法容納太多人,連某集團負責人的親友都想走後門關說上他的課!   而今他無...


  ★2021全新改版!按部就班把新重點、新法規、新試題導入全書內容,書後再貼心附上「100天考取17張金融證照」達人私藏的信託證照「各類精華總整理」→全書保有信託業務完整架構、重點整理與實際命題緊密契合~助您一次PASS過關,早日脫離考照苦海......★     本書結合最強師資陣容:劉憶娥【CFP®國際認證高級理財規劃顧問、各大銀行、投信、保險機構信託短期衝刺考照指定講師】為您整理最精...

作者:National Academies of Sciences Engineeri,Health and Medicine Division,Board on Population Health and Public He


Trevor Burrus is a research fellow in the Cato Institute’s Robert A. Levy Center for Constitutional Studies and editor‐in‐chief of the Cato Supreme Court Review. Burrus is the editor of A Conspirac...

作者:National Academies of Sciences Engineeri,Division on Earth and Life Studies,Water Science and Technology Board

