
作者:Rubin, Joshua D.

Joshua D. Rubin is Lecturer in Anthropology at Bates College.

作者:Buchanan, Anthony,Thomas, Geraint


  「通過任何考驗的唯一方法,就是面對考驗。這是無可避免的。」──澳洲原住民長者 皇家黑天鵝   「只有等到最後一株樹被砍掉了、最後一條河被污染了、最後一尾魚被捕食了,人才會發現金錢並不能充饑。」──克里族印第安人的預言   由於受到「真人部族」的召換,瑪洛.摩根加入了原住民徒步穿越澳洲大陸的曠野漫遊。從第一天的旅程開始,她便持續接受來自生理、心理不同的測試與考驗。在這段不平凡的旅程中,她...

作者:Rubin, Joshua D.

Joshua D. Rubin is Lecturer in Anthropology at Bates College.

作者:Cooksey, Jon/ Mckechnie, Graham

When Edgar Mobbs ran on a rugby field, people watched. Eyes were drawn to him. A towering, upright presence - long of stride with knees raised high; elegant and powerful.When opponents came too clo...

作者:Levitt, Mike

作者:Woodward, Clive

Clive Woodward was born in 1954. He was educated at HMS Conway in Anglesey and Loughborough University. He played rugby for Leicester, England and the Lions, and Manley in Australia. During his imp...


  2016年,澳洲查爾斯史都華大學公共倫理學教授克萊夫.漢密爾頓意識到有件大事正在發生,那就是:與中國共產黨關係密切的華裔富商已經成為澳洲兩大黨的最大金主。漢密爾頓針對中國因素在澳洲的影響力展開調查,結果讓他震驚。   他發現,從政界到文化圈,從房地產到農牧業,從大學到工會,甚至連小學,都遭到中國因素的滲透。中國因素瞄準澳洲社會的菁英人士,動員部分澳洲華人買通在政界的影響力、限制學術上的...

作者:Davies, Lewis

Lewis Davies is a writer and publisher whose work includes the best-selling and award-winning classic novel of Welsh contemporary life Work, Sex & Rugby as well as other novels, plays, poetry and e...

作者:Levitt, Mike

作者:Jones, Stephen,Cain, Nick,Barnes, David

作者:Fox, Julie G.,Bruce, Julia,Kvirikashvili, Lika
