先進制造技術(英文版·第四版) | 維持健康的好方法 - 2024年7月




Part I Computers in Manufacturing1 Computer-aided Production and Control Systems (計算機輔助生產與控制系統)1.1 Automation Concepts1.2 Evolution of Automation1.3 Goals of Automation1.4 Engineering1.5 Business1.6 Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems注釋2 Internet (因特網)2.1 Services Supported by Internet2.2 Who Uses the Internet?2.3 Internet Origins注釋3 The Role of the World Wide Web (WWW) in Manufacturing (萬維網在制造中的作用)3.1 Introduction3.2 Globalization for Customer Oriented Manufacturing3.3 The Role of the World Wide Web3.4 Global Collaborative Manufacturing and WWW3.5 Web and Manufacturing Practices3.6 Global Manufacturing on the Web3.7 Cloud Computing & Cloud Manufacturing注釋Part II Automated Manufacturing4 Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing (計算機輔助設計與制造)4.1 Rationale for CAD/CAM4.2 Historical Development of CAD/CAM4.3 Computers and Design4.4 CAD-to-CAM Interface4.5 CAD/CAM Hardware4.6 CAD/CAM Software4.7 CAD/CAM Database4.8 2-D Versus 3-D Software4.9 CAD System Examples4.10 Animation and CAD/CAM4.11 CAD/CAM Selection Criteria注釋5 Numerical Control (數控技術)5.1 Historical Background5.2 Computer Numerical Control5.3 Principles of NC Machines5.4 Types of Control Systems5.5 Accuracy in Numerical Control5.6 Advantages and Limitations of NC5.7 Programming for Numerical Control5.8 Machining Centers注釋6 Flexible Manufacturing (柔性制造)6.1 Historical Development of Flexible Manufacturing6.2 Rationale for Flexible Manufacturing6.3 Flexible Manufacturing System Components6.4 The Hierarchical Nature of Production Control注釋7 Computer Integrated Manufacturing (計算機集成制造)7.1 Historical Development of CIM7.2 The CIM Wheel7.3 Benefits of CIM7.4 CIM-related Standards7.5 Group Technology and CIM7.6 Process Planning and CIM7.7 Computer-aided Process Planning7.8 Manufacturing Resources Planning and CIM注釋8 High Speed Cutting (HSC) (調整切削)8.1 Definition8.2 Introduction to High Speed Cutting8.3 Applications of High Speed Cutting注釋Part III Manufacturing Technology Facing the 21st Century Introduction9 Agile Manufacturing (敏捷制造)9.1 Introduction9.2 AM--a New Manufacturing Strategy9.3 AM is a Production Mode of the 21st Century9.4 Summary注釋10 Additive Manufacturing (增材制造)10.1 Introduction10.2 AM Processes and Materials10.3 Applications of Additive Manufacturing10.4 Advantages of AM for Production10.5 Conclusions注釋11 Environmentally Conscious Design and Manufacturing (具有環境意識的設計與制造)11.1 Introduction11.2 Overview11.3 Environmentally Conscious Design and Manufacturing11.4 Environmental Engineering11.5 Summary注釋12 Nanotechnology and Micromachine (納米技術與微機械)12.1 Nanotechnology12.2 Micromachines12.3 Fabrication of Microelectronic Devices12.4 Summary注釋13 Biofabrieation (生物制造)13.1 Introduction13.2 A 21 st Century Manufacturing Paradigm13.3 Growing Arsenal of Biofabrication Technologies13.4 Practical Applications of Biofabrication Technologies注釋參考文獻世界著名機械工程學會名錄總詞匯表AMT縮略語詞匯表
