Good Habits, Bad Habits: The Science of Making Positive Changes That Stick | 維持健康的好方法 - 2024年7月

Good Habits, Bad Habits: The Science of Making Positive Changes That Stick

作者:Wendy Wood

   想理解習慣,必須從它形成的源頭開始!其實我們將近43%的日常行為,是在未經思索,毫無意識的情況下做出的動作。這意味著,我們每天有近半的行為根本 是由潛意識推動的,讓身體自己循著過往學到的事物反射性行動。生活中的一切,舉凡會議、購物、運動、飲食,一連串日常活動,在我們無法想像的領域中,竟然 都有無意識地,自動仰賴習慣在進行的種種行動。
  但奇妙地,每當我們想對自己作出改變,我們都仰賴意志力進行,相信我們必須持續保持 警醒地決定行為,以決心與不動搖的目標。無論是從一個小改變開始,或者規劃完整的實作計畫,希望這樣可以建立一個正向改變的好習慣循環。可這也是為何我們 往往會失敗的關鍵!因為習慣的慣性動作,會無意識地改變我們的目標。
   溫蒂伍德(Wendy Wood),是南加州大學的心理系主任,她長年為華盛頓郵報、洛杉磯時報撰寫文章。作品也曾在紐約時報與芝加哥論壇報發表。在習慣建立的領域,深耕長達三 十年。集結這麼多年來的研究成果,提供獨道專業的解說,讓我們認識習慣如何被養成,解密如何讓受無意識習慣規束的大腦從限制中解脫。根據神經科學,個案分 析與實驗,本作得以誕生。用容易理解,簡單更實用的說明。幫助你改變思考的方式與你生活中的各個層面。
  ‘Wendy Wood is the world’s foremost expert in the field, and this book is essential’ – Angela Duckworth, bestselling author of Grit
  The scientifically proven way to easily make positive changes in your life by unlocking your habits, written the world's foremost expert on habits.
  Much of what we do, we do by habit. How we respond to the people around us; what we buy; when and how we exercise, eat and drink are nearly all done without conscious thought.
  And yet, whenever we want to change something about ourselves, we rely on willpower alone. We hope that our determination and intention will be enough to effect positive change. And that is why almost all of us fail.
  What if you could harness the extraordinary power of your unconscious mind, which already determines so much of what you do, to achieve your goals? Drawing on three decades of original research, Wendy Wood shows how habits are stress-resistant, that varying rewards leads to faster and more effective habit formation, and why the oft-repeated idea that forming a habit takes twenty-one days is wrong. Explaining the fascinating science of how habits form, Wood provides the key to unlocking our habitual mind in order to make the changes we seek.
  If you’ve ever struggled to make or break a habit, this is the book you need to read. Wendy Wood is widely recognized as the authority on the science of habits -- Adam Grant, New York Times bestselling author of Originals and Give and Take, and host of the TED podcast WorkLife
  Wendy Wood is the world’s foremost expert in the field, and this book is essential -- Angela Duckworth, author of Grit
  Enlightening and insightful . . . Wood’s research and perspective on the malleability of habits will bring hope to any reader looking to create long-term behavioural change, Publishers Weekly
  Wendy Wood . . . is the most thoughtful, innovative person who understands the role of habits in human behaviour . . . I can’t imagine a better person writing this book -- Dan Ariely
  There is no one in all of psychology who could write a more compelling book on habits and behaviours -- James W. Pennebaker
  No one has studied how habits form and direct behaviour better than Professor Wendy Wood . . . She has described how to change negative habits into positive versions better than anybody. She's the researcher best able to write the next big book on the topic -- Robert Cialdini, author of Influence and Pre-Suasion
  Fascinating and fun, this book will change a lot of lives . . . Wood brings state-of-the-art social science into contact with the most pressing issues in daily life. She’s a tremendous guide -- Cass R. Sunstein, Robert Walmsley University Professor at Harvard University, and author of How Change Happens
  A fascinating tour of the science of habits, and Wendy Wood is the consummate tour guide. One of the world’s leading habit researchers -- Professor Adam Alter, New York Times bestselling author of Drunk Tank Pink and Irresistible
  A huge achievement. Wendy Wood manages to distil the science of habit formation, most of which emerges from her own lab, in a manner that is fascinating but also, above all, extremely useful for people looking to make positive change in their life -- David Kessler, New York Times bestselling author of The End of Overeating and Capture

  Wendy Wood was born in the UK and is Provost Professor of Psychology and Business at the University of Southern California. Her research incorporates neuroscience, cognition, and behavioral insights to understand habit persistence and change, and she has collaborated with many luminary psychologists, including Angela Duckworth and Adam Grant. Her research has been funded by the top granting agencies including NIH, NSF, Templeton Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Proctor & Gamble, and the Radcliffe Advanced Study Institute at Harvard. She has written for The Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times, and her work has been featured in The New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Time magazine, USA Today, and NPR. She lectures widely for popular and academic audiences, and recently launched a website to convey scientific insight on habit to the general public.
