Binge and Sprint: From Endless Cake to Recovery | 維持健康的好方法 - 2024年9月

Binge and Sprint: From Endless Cake to Recovery

作者:Joseph, Naomi

Naomi Joseph received a Masters of Science in Speech and Language Pathology from Teachers College, Columbia University and is currently in the thick of her 23 year career helping children with feeding and swallowing disorders. She is also currently at the top level of a health and wellness Network Marketing Company where she continues to grow her business, and help so many others grow theirs. Naomi is overjoyed at being able to share her forty year binge eating journey, and coming out the other side living a healthier life, with whomever can benefit from her experience. Her goal is to touch as many souls as possible, and give them all the healing her story, examples, and advice can provide. She has been married to her husband since 1992, sharing the bond of both being the chubby kid on their first date. They reside on Long Island with their three children.
