
作者:Willner, Mark,Hero, George,Martin, Mary

About the Publisher In the 1930s, Manuel H. Barron opened a bookstore in Brooklyn, New York. People from the community asked Mr. Barron about books that might be available to help their children s...


  ★全書翻新!配合近期銀行內控相關法令大幅修訂進行全書更新對應,更針對近年「新考法規」、「較新題型」重新彙整重點整理內容。全書每一字、每一句、每一題都出自實際命題,每一頁都對應最新考情,「讓最專業的銀行內控老師、帶你讀到真正會考的重點」!★     1. 內稽內控法規大翻修,全書內容徹底更新對應!     近期重要修法諸如:銀行資本適足性及資本等級管理辦法、金融控股公司及銀行業內部控制及稽...

作者:Romano, Michael J.,Thone, Kristen,Streitwieser, William

About the Publisher In the 1930s, Manuel H. Barron opened a bookstore in Brooklyn, New York. People from the community asked Mr. Barron about books that might be available to help their children s...

作者:Christie, Agatha


全新增訂內容! •外食也能健康吃—新增30種最常見的外食品項 •國際級營養新知—防癌10要 •重量級必修課:秒懂包裝食品標示     全食物健康飲食,就從適量的每一餐開始! 220種常用食材,1:1食物圖解, 直接比對、照著吃就能變健康~   吃對了,不僅免疫力好,有利抗癌防癌,心血管功能佳, 想要瘦身或長胖都可以,還能改善三高、預防失智! 從今天開始,吃好每一餐,為自己的健康把關。   +...

作者:Editors of Cool Springs Press

The Editors of Cool Springs Press have produced the highest quality DIY home improvement books for more than 30 years. In conjunction with the experts at BLACK+DECKER(TM) they have combined resourc...


  ★2021全新大改版!因應本科考試命題方向變化,更新全書各單元演練試題與重點。全書每一字、每一句、每一題都出自實際命題→每一頁都對應實際考情,讓你讀到「真正會考的重點」!★   2021年全新大改版要點包括:   (1). 因應所得稅法大幅修訂,將全書內容修訂至對應最新稅制規定;   (2). 遵循近期最新考題命題方向,調整全書重點整理內容,使之與實際考情更加契合;   (3). 收錄...


Founded in 1945, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) leads international efforts to defeat hunger. Serving both developed and developing countries, FAO provides a neutral forum where all na...

作者:Luckow, Dirk

Katharina Sieverding, born in 1941, is a German photographer. She is one of the pioneers of an expansion of the possibilities of the medium photography. Her serial photo sequences are both an expre...


  ★本書將中華民國憲法、法學緒論、英文這三科之精要重點全部收錄,並將近年高普考、地方特考、關務特考全部加以詳解。     1. 中華民國憲法→精選釋字條文‧了解法規最新變動     本書完全針對困難之處,以測驗式試題奪取高分為目的編寫,全方位彙整歷年國家考試試題,藉由科學化的分章分類歸納整理,配合法規條文與大法官解釋增修,將試題及解答予以必要的調整,難題並附以解析或法規索引...


Hannah Anderson Krog has edited the past three editions of State Profiles. She previously worked as an assistant editor for Bernan Press and is now a freelance writer and editor for several referen...


  ★Dcard考試版、PTT國考版大家都推的貨銀「神書」就是這一本!★   貨銀-宏典貨幣銀行學(這本堪稱神書,整本厚度不厚而且淺顯易懂,重點是他有的內容別本不見得有,而且這些別本講義沒有的內容,反而是這幾年的出題趨勢,這也是為何這本書被譽為神書的原因,整本讀完、讀熟,你貨銀不全對真的很難......)   貨銀可以讀神書,宏典的貨幣銀行學,那本超猛的,什麼東西都有,把整本看完貨銀不全...

