
作者:Yan, Martin

Have you ever had a craving for fried dumplings or hot and sour soup at midnight? Ever wonder how your local Chinese takeout makes their food taste so good--and look so easy to make? Still don't kn...

作者:Queen, Ellery/ Penzler, Otto (INT)

The offices of foreign literature publisher and renowned stamp collector Donald Kirk are often host to strange activities, but the most recent occurrence---the murder of an unknown caller, found de...


不高、不帥,又很宅男? 統統沒關係! 天下沒有醜男生,只有懶男生! 現在就幫自己改頭換面!   你想變成像漫畫裡F4那樣的美型男卻不知道怎麼開始嗎?信不信由你,網路第一人氣美少男陳奕也曾經邋遢到不行,經由看不下去的朋友改造和他自己努力學習後,才能如此帥氣到男生女生都愛他!   本書從保養肌膚、抓髮、修眉毛、刮鬍一直到練出健美身材和服裝造型搭配,陳奕首度公開他的成功改造密招!另外還收錄了他在東...

作者:Chin, Katie/ Iyer, Raghavan (FRW)/ Kawana, Masano (PHT)

"Katie Chin has done us all a huge favor: she's provided us with recipes for so many of the Chinese dishes we always wanted to cook but have never had clear and easy instructions to prepare...Thank...


◇美味的水果拼板◇     對應水果拼板的剖面,孩子們能將每一塊拼板放在正確的位置,認識常見的水果們,不僅能學中文,也能輕鬆學習英文,進而達到寓教於樂的目的。輪廓分明的圖案,搭配鮮豔的顏色,能吸引孩子們的注意力,強化基礎認知。     拼板上包含10種美味的水果,讓幼兒從遊戲中學習,加深對水果外觀和顏色的認知,不僅達到教育的目的,也能讓家長和孩子一起快樂學習,輕鬆無壓力!     內容摘錄:...

作者:Collins, Billy

Playfulness, spare elegance, and wit epitomize the poetry of Billy Collins.With his distinct voice and accessible language, America's two-term Poet Laureate has opened the door to poetry for countl...

作者:Collins, Billy

Playfulness, spare elegance, and wit epitomize the poetry of Billy Collins.With his distinct voice and accessible language, America's two-term Poet Laureate has opened the door to poetry for countl...

作者:Queen, Ellery/ Penzler, Otto (INT)

The offices of foreign literature publisher and renowned stamp collector Donald Kirk are often host to strange activities, but the most recent occurrence---the murder of an unknown caller, found de...

