
作者:Marsh, Huw

Huw Marsh is Lecturer in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literature at Queen Mary University of London, UK. He is the author of Beryl Bainbridge (2014) and works mainly on post-war and contempor...

作者:Henry, Tyler

TYLER HENRY is a practicing medium, and the star of E!’s newest breakout reality show, Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry. A native of central California, he now resides in Los Angeles.

作者:Murphy, Emily

Emil Murphy is an organic gardener with a BS in Ethnobotanical Resources from Humboldt State University She later studied pedagogy at Sierra Nevada College and garden design with the California Sch...


作者:Henry, Tyler

TYLER HENRY is a practicing medium, and the star of E!’s newest breakout reality show, Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry. A native of central California, he now resides in Los Angeles.

作者:Hopkinson, Deborah

Deborah Hopkinson is the acclaimed author of over 40 award-winning books, including Shutting Out the Sky, an NCTE Orbis Pictus Honor Book and a Jane Addams Peace Award Honor Book; Up Before Daybrea...

作者:Hopkinson, Deborah

Deborah Hopkinson is the acclaimed author of over 40 award-winning books, including Shutting Out the Sky, an NCTE Orbis Pictus Honor Book and a Jane Addams Peace Award Honor Book; Up Before Daybrea...


  千呼萬喚,百萬漿絲引頸期待!   豆漿娘娘第一本寫真書華麗登場!     跟浪貓打架、貓咪走失……不為人知的豆漿故事首度揭露!   屁萌小豆漿如何蛻變成穩重娘娘?理工男科學養貓法大公開!     隨書附贈   喵界林志玲   超可愛貼紙     一個標準的理工宅男,   幾年前在一個下著雨的夜晚,   遇見了一隻無家可歸的白貓。     當...


作者:Donahue, Arwen

Arwen Donahue has served as program coordinator in the Department of Oral History at the United States Holocaust Museum and managed its Post-Holocaust Interview Project.Rebecca Gayle Howell is a wr...

作者:Brantley, Jeffrey,Millstine, Wendy

Jeffrey Brantley, MD, is professor emeritus in the department of psychiatry and human behavior at Duke University Medical Center. He is founder and former director of the Mindfulness Based Stress R...

作者:岸政彦(Kishi Masahiko)

第6回紀伊國屋人文大賞TOP 1! ★入圍芥川獎的社會學家首部田野人生隨筆集★ ★一本擁抱「無意義」的生命之書★ 很久沒遇到一本,令我這麼捨不得讀完的書了。 ──上野千鶴子/社會學家,著有《厭女》、《一個人的老後》   我們的生活明明和這麼多人產生交集,   為何每個人在自己的大腦裡,卻都是孤伶伶的一個人?   隱身於日本社會的沖繩人、部落民與在日朝鮮人;   遺忘於陽光下的黑...


不要再催了! 天王天后當然是要壓軸出場! 盛世明君與一代女帝,駕!到! 有看過這麼酷炫狂霸跩的喵嗎? 如果沒看過,現在快來看!     ★盛世來啦!各位天王天后喵賣力幹活打群架,我們小老百姓只負責嗑瓜子看戲:   ‧不是大哥就不可以嗎?隋煬帝喵為你送上次子的逆襲!看我煬帝喵來建設百年大業啦!     ‧說……說好我們老百姓……只是看戲的……為什麼我們現在……挖運河……挖到快死了……     ...


  人氣不斷飆升、內容不斷突破的   【屁屁偵探讀本】第9集報到……有神祕人物閃亮登場喔!   貫穿本集的關鍵字,非「幸運貓」莫屬──   我們不僅有機會好好認識「幸運貓」咖啡店帥氣溫馨的一家「三口」,   要解開的事件謎團也與「幸運貓」密不可分,   誰也沒料到,藝術拍賣會上的珍奇古物,「背後」竟有著天大的祕密?!   而且讓店長與布朗陷入險境!   屁屁偵探能解開謎團,拯救他們兩人嗎? ...

