巴朗美式英語語音語調速成 | 維持健康的好方法 - 2024年10月




Lisa Mojsin(麗莎·莫吉辛)是Mastering the American Accent一書的作者,也是“The American Accent Course”(美國口音教程)DVD的作者。她擁有超過20年的教學經驗,向美國和海外的不同文化背景的專業人士教授英語發音和溝通技巧。她會說五種語言,並擁有“教授英語給母語為其他語言的人”的碩士學位。她在聖莫妮卡學院任教達15年,也是加州大學洛杉磯分校、洛約拉馬利蒙特大學、西洛杉磯大學、奧蒂斯藝術與設計學院的教授。

Introduction 引言 vi
Chapter 1: The Vowel Sounds 母音 1
Production of Vowels 母音的發音 1
The Main Vowel Sounds of American English 美式英語中的主要母音 3
/i/ as in meet /i/的發音(meet) 4
/?/ as in sit /?/的發音(sit) 4
/e?/ as in take /e?/的發音(take) 6
/?/ as in get /?/的發音(get) 7
/æ/ as in fat /æ/的發音(fat) 8
/ɑ/ as in father /ɑ/的發音(father) 9
/?/ as in fun /?/的發音(fun) 10
/?/as in saw /?/的發音(saw) 11
/o?/ as in boat /o?/的發音(boat) 13
/?/ as in good /?/的發音(good) 14
/u/ as in too /u/的發音(too) 14
/?r/ as in bird /?r/的發音(bird) 16
/a?/ as in time /a?/的發音(time) 16
/a?/ as in house /a?/的發音(house) 17
/??/ as in boy /??/的發音(boy) 18
Chapter 2: Vowels in Detail 母音的細節 19
Review of /?/ and /i/ Sounds 複習/?/和/i/ 19
Review of /?/ and /æ/ Sounds 複習/?/和/æ/ 20
Review of /?/, /ɑ/, /?/, and /o?/ Sounds 複習/?/、/ɑ/、/?/和/o?/ 21
The Problematic o 容易出現問題的o 22
Three Different Ways to Pronounce the Letter o 字母o的三種不同發音方法 25
Review of /æ/ versus /?/ 複習/æ/和/?/的區別 25
The American /?/ Sound /?/的美式發音 26
Review of /?/, /æ/, /ɑ/, /?/, /?/, and /o?/ 複習/?/、/æ/、/ɑ/、/?/、/?/和/o?/ 28
The Problematic /?/ Sound 容易出現問題的/?/ 29
Review of /?/ and /u/ Sounds 複習/?/和/u/ 30
/u/ versus /ju/ /u/和/ju/比較 30
Review of the /?r/ Sound 複習/?r/ 31
Vowels Followed by the /r/ Sound 母音後接/r/時的發音方法 32
Chapter 3: Consonants 輔音 33
Forming American Consonants 發出美式的輔音 33
Voiceless and Voiced Consonants 清輔音和濁輔音 34
Vowel Length and Voiced and Voiceless Consonants 母音長度與濁輔音和清輔音 35
Stops and Continuants 塞音和連續音 37
Chapter 4: Problematic Consonants 容易出現問題的輔音 39
The Various t Sounds of American English 美式英語中t的各種發音 39
The “Fast d” Sound “快速d”的發音 43
The /t?r/ Sound: tr /t?r/的發音:tr 44
The /d?r/ Sound: dr /d?r/的發音:dr 44
The /d?/ Sound: du and d y /d?/的發音:du和d y 45
The /t?/ Sound: tu and t y /t?/的發音:tu和t y 45
Words Ending in -ed 以-ed結尾的單詞 46
The th Sound th的發音 49
The American /r/ 美式的/r/ 53
The American /l/ 美式的/l/ 56
Understanding /l/ versus /r/ 區分/l/和/r/的發音 58
The /v/ Sound /v/的發音 61
Understanding /b/ versus /v/ 區分/b/和/v/的發音 62
The /w/ Sound /w/的發音 63
Understanding /v/ versus /w/ 區分/v/和/w/的發音 64
The /s/ and /z/ Sounds /s/和/z/的發音 65
The /?/ Sound: Pronouncing ng /?/的發音:發ng音 68
Consonant Clusters 輔音連綴 70
Chapter 5: Syllable Stress 音節重音 73
Stressed and Reduced Vowels 母音的重讀和弱讀 73
Comparing Stressed and Reduced Vowels 比較母音重讀和弱讀 76
Dangers of Stressing the Wrong Syllable 音節重讀錯誤的危害 78
General Rules for Stress Placement 音節重讀的一般規則 79
Reduced Vowels for Review 複習母音弱讀 86
Chapter 6: Word Stress 單詞重音 89
Compound Nouns 複合名詞 89
Proper Stress with Adjectives 形容詞的適當重讀 91
Phrasal Verbs 短語動詞 93
Noun Forms of Phrasal Verbs 短語動詞的名詞形式 94
Abbreviations and Numbers 縮寫詞和數字 95
Names of Places and People 地名和人名 96
Word Stress Within a Sentence 句子中的單詞重音 96
Which Words Should I Stress? 應該重讀哪個單詞? 98
Reducing Vowels in Unstressed Words 非重讀單詞中的母音弱讀 101
Thought Groups and Focus Words 意群和焦點詞 106
Contrastive Stress 對比重音 107
Chapter 7: Intonation 語調 109
Falling Intonation 降調 109
Rising Intonation 升調 110
Non-final Intonation 非最終語調 111
Wavering Intonation 搖擺語調 113
Chapter 8: Sound Like a True Native Speaker
像母語者一樣發音 115
Linking: Connecting Words for Smoother Speech Flow 連讀:使語流更平滑 115
Rules for Linking 連讀的規則 116
Contractions 縮讀 125
Conditional Tense and Contractions 條件時態與縮讀 130
Casual versus Formal Speech 隨意講話與正式講話 132
Chapter 9: Memorizing the Exceptions 記住特例 135
Same Spelling, Different Pronunciation 拼寫相同,發音不同 136
Two Correct Pronunciations 兩種正確發音 137
Words with Dropped Syllables 省略音節的單詞 137
Words with Silent Letters 帶有不發音字母的單詞 138
Homophones 同音異義詞 139
Native Language Guide 母語指南 141
Chinese 中國學習者 141
Index 索引 149
