食衣住行完全圖解 套書(全3書)+LiveABC智慧點讀筆16G(Type-C充電版) 超值組合 | 維持健康的好方法 - 2024年10月

食衣住行完全圖解 套書(全3書)+LiveABC智慧點讀筆16G(Type-C充電版) 超值組合


  1.   好吃好喝好溝通 圖解美食英語
  2.   英語萬用圖解字典 這個單字英語這樣
  在學英文的過程中,你可能背過很多單字卻不知道一些生活常用字彙,像是「總匯三明治」、「夾腳拖鞋」、「抱枕」的英文該怎麼說?而另一種情況是你明明知道英文是什麼、卻不知道該怎麼唸才對?本書規劃9大單元,包括「世界概況」、「區域地理」、「自然環境」、「飲食文化」、「服飾與配件」、「房屋與飯店」、「交通運輸」、「運動」及「嗜好娛樂」,我們收錄了許多字典不會收錄的實用字彙,還要告訴你這些字該怎麼唸才正確。在使用本書學習時,建議讀者可以搭配朗讀MP3 或是用點讀筆來學習,隨點隨唸,除了幫助記憶之外,還可以熟悉每個字詞的發音。希望藉由本書所提供的豐富內容,幫助讀者可以輕鬆說一口正確的英文
  3.   STEP BY STEP 生活英語圖解王

  【LiveABC互動英語教學集團 數位語言學習第一品牌】LiveABC互動英語教學集團創立以來持續研發數位學習內容,累積了豐富數位出版經驗,並成為經濟部『中堅企業重點輔導對象』唯一數位出版廠商,同時也是台灣第一家獲得『數位學習教材品質認證AAA級』最高榮譽的出版廠商,LiveABC擁有先進的技術與多媒體製作團隊,搭配專業的國內外教材編輯團隊,精心研發互動式多媒體語言學習產品,為數位學習的領導品牌,讓學習者能夠體驗「Learning Is Very Easy with LiveABC」 。

一瞬間說出口 老外最常用的美式口語

1-1 Anytime.
1-2 Anyway./Anyhow.
1-3 Bingo!
1-4 Darn!
1-5 Definitely!
1-6 Duh!
1-7 Great!
1-8 Incredible!
1-9 Indeed!
1-10 Likewise.
1-11 Listen!
1-12 Look!
1-13 No.
1-14 OK? / OK.
1-15 Or . . .
1-16 Positive!
1-17 Really?
1-18 Right?
1-19 Satisfied?
1-20 See?
1-21 Seriously? 
1-22 So? / So what?
1-23 Sorry. / I’m sorry.
1-24 Sure.
1-25 Sweet!
1-26 Unbelievable!
Chapter 2 Two heads are better than one
2-1 About/For/With what?
2-2 Another time/day.
2-3 Anybody here? / Anybody home?
2-4 Anything else? / Anything more?
2-5 By coincidence
2-6 Cheer up!
2-7 Come, come.
2-8 Even better!
2-9 Excuse me.
2-10 Forget it!
2-11 Good luck!
2-12 Guess what?
2-13 Help yourself!
2-14 I bet. / I’ll bet.
2-15 Hang on!
2-16 No/Not kidding!
2-17 Not again!
2-18 Will do. / That’ll do!
Chapter 3 Three squares a day
3-1 Can’t or won’t?
3-2 Sb. won’t bite.
3-3 That’s a first!
3-4 That’s highway robbery!
3-5 That’s/It’s not true!
3-6 Works for me!
3-7 There (you are)!
3-8 You’re the man!
Chapter 4 Four corners of the earth
4-1 Have a good one!
4-2 I’m counting on it.
4-3 He’s not worth it.
4-4 How’s life with you?
4-5 It won’t happen again.
4-6 It works every time.
4-7 Nothing to boast about.
4-8 Not to my knowledge.
4-9 That’s/It’s always the way.
4-10 The feeling is mutual.
4-11 We’re not there yet.
Chapter 5 Five fingers are not equal
5-1 A little bird told me.
5-2 A promise is a promise.
5-3 All’s well that ends well.
5-4 Can you bend the rules?
5-5 Come to think of it.
5-6 Do I make myself clear?
5-7 Don’t get your hopes up!
5-8 Don’t give it another thought.
5-9 Don’t take it so hard!
5-10 He was hard on me.
5-11 I’m at my wits’ end.
5-12 I’m not made of money.
5-13 I can’t believe my ears/ eyes.
5-14 I can’t take it anymore!
5-15 I don’t buy your story.
5-16 I don’t have all day. 
5-17 I don’t see why not.
5-18 I have been there (before).
5-19 I’ve seen it (all) before.
5-20 I know what I’m doing.
5-21 I know you mean well.
5-22 I see what you mean.
5-23 I’ll keep it to myself.
5-24 I’ll take care of it.
5-25 I wouldn’t/don’t bet on it!
5-26 If you feel that way.
5-27 It could happen to you.
5-28 It goes down the drain.
5-29 It’s a matter of opinion.
5-30 (It’s a) piece of cake!
5-31 It’s all Greek to me.
5-32 It’s dogged as does it.
5-33 It’s early in the day.
5-34 It’s/That’s not what I’m saying.
5-35 It’s not in my wheelhouse.
5-36 It’s out of this world!
5-37 It’s totally over my head.
5-38 It makes my mouth water.
5-39 It might come in handy.
5-40 It/That really got to me!
5-41 It won’t break the bank.
5-42 Just do what you can!
5-43 Leave me out of it.
5-44 Let me sleep on it.
5-45 Let me get/say this straight.
5-46 Let’s call it a day.
5-47 Let’s paint the town red!
5-48 Look on the bright side!
5-49 No two ways about it.
5-50 Not that I know of! 
5-51 Not in so many words.
5-52 One thing leads to another.
5-53 Out of respect for sb.
5-54 Sb. has (got) a long face.
5-55 Sb. is hitting on you.
5-56 Sb. wouldn’t hurt a fly.
5-57 That’s par for the course.
5-58 That’s the way it is/goes.
5-59 The sky is the limit.
5-60 There’s always someone above us.
5-61 There must be a catch!
5-62 Things will work out fine.
5-63 This calls for a celebration!
5-64 Today is not my day!
5-65 We’re on the same wavelength.
5-66 We’ll talk about this later.
5-67 What are you getting at?
5-68 What are you playing at?
5-69 What are you up to?
5-70 What do you call this?
5-71 What goes around comes around.
5-72 What took you so long?
5-73 You can say that again!
5-74 You could have fooled me.
5-75 You’ve got me all wrong!
5-76 You owe me an apology.
5-77 You’ll get your money’s worth.
5-78 Your explanation is wearing thin.
Chapter 6 Six ways to Sunday
6-1 Don’t be too/ so hard on yourself.
6-2 Do you have any second thoughts?
6-3 Don’t make a fool of yourself!
6-4 Don’t take me for a fool!
6-5 (Do you) see what I’m saying?
6-6 He has close ties with her.
6-7 I’m fed up with her nagging.
6-8 I can’t say much for it.
6-9 I can’t take all the credit.
6-10 I don’t think much of it.
6-11 I don’t think that at all.
6-12 I just mentioned it in passing.
6-13 I know where the shoe pinches.
6-14 I’ll be the judge of that.
6-15 Ill make it up to you.
6-16 Ill see what I can do.
6-17 I wouldn’t put it past him.
6-18 If my memory serves me right/correctly,
6-19 Is that the way you think?
6-20 It’s a sore point with him.
6-21 (It’s) all in a day’s work.
6-22 It’s written all over your face.
6-23 It does more harm than good.
6-24 It’s not my cup of tea.
6-25 It’s too good to be true!
6-26 It means a lot to me.
6-27 May all your wishes come true!
6-28 Sb. is a busybody by nature.
6-29 That’s all there is to it.
6-30 That’s easy for you to say!
6-31 The joke was lost on her.
6-32 There’s no time like the present!
6-33 (There’s) nothing to be ashamed of!
6-34 There’s something in what you said.
6-35 This movie was a big hit.
6-36 To make a long story short
6-37 We have a lot in common.
6-38 What do you mean by that?
6-39 What do you say to it?
6-40 Where did you get that idea?
6-41 With (all due) respect (to you)
6-42 You always get me into trouble.
6-43 You’re a match made in heaven.
6-44 You’re barking up the wrong tree!
6-45 You’re making a fool of yourself.
6-46 You’re shooting yourself in the foot.
6-47 You can do what you want.
6-48 You can’t have it both ways.
6-49 You can’t show bias to anyone.
6-50 You can’t take it with you.
6-51 You can’t go wrong with him.
6-52 You don’t have to do that.
6-53 You(’ve) got to be kidding me!
6-54 You have a problem with me?
6-55 You’ve come to the right person.
6-56 You let me worry about it!
6-57 You should move with the times.
6-58 You win some; you lose some
6-59 You’d do the same for me.
Chapter 7 Seven year itch
7-1 Can you let me off (the hook)?
7-2 Do you have a thing for her?
7-3 How did you come up with this?
7-4 I’m at the end of my rope.
7-5 I’m just telling it like it is.
7-6 I’m speaking with the voice of experience.
7-7 I can do it in my sleep.
7-8 I can see it in your eyes.
7-9 I can’t do a thing about it.
7-10 I couldn’t have put it better myself.
7-11 I don’t want to put you out.
7-12 I’ve waited a long time for this!
7-13 I know where (or when) to draw the line.
7-14 I think that’s politics at its worst.
7-15 I’ll take each day as it comes.
7-16 I won’t take no for an answer!
7-17 It happens to the best of us.
7-18 It’s like talking to a brick wall.
7-19 It’s too close to call right now.
7-20 It might be a blessing in disguise.
7-21 (I’ll) Let you be the judge of that!
7-22 One man’s meat is another man’s poison.
7-23 Sb. can breathe a sigh of relief.
7-24 Sb. often treated my words like nothing.
7-25 The ball is in your court now!
7-26 The outsider sees more of the game.
7-27 This issue is nothing to sneeze at.
7-28 You always rub someone the wrong way.
7-29 Just take the bull by the horns!
7-30 You should take it as it comes.
7-31 You’ll thank me for it one day.
7-32 Your guess is as good as mine!
Chapter 8 Behind the eight ball
8-1 All good things (will) come to an end.
8-2 He never says a good word about me.
8-3 I have (got) to hand it to you.
8-4 I really don’t know which way to go.
8-5 I think he blows/gets things out of proportion.
8-6 I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt.
8-7 It can’t be mentioned in the same breath!
8-8 It takes all kinds to make a world.
8-9 (Something) will not put food on the table.
8-10 The higher you climb, the harder you fall.
8-11 There’s no need to do things on impulse.
8-12 There’s no such thing as a free lunch.
8-13 You’re only too eager to get things done.
8-14 You can’t have a foot in both camps.
8-15 You’d better turn a blind eye to it.
8-16 You should get out/quit while you’re (still) ahead!
Chapter 9 On cloud nine
9-1 His words should never be taken at face value.
9-2 I’m sorry to put you to so much trouble.
9-3 I’ve been running around like a headless chicken lately.
9-4 I know which side my bread is buttered (on).
9-5 I wouldn’t be seen/caught dead asking her for help.
9-6 It’s not every day that we (could) have this.
9-7 It is not all it’s cracked up to be.
9-8 What you just said threw me for a loop.
9-9 You took the words (right) out of my mouth.
9-10 You should put your money where your mouth is.
Chapter 10 Perfect ten
10-1 (It always goes) in one ear and out the other.
10-2 Sb. can dish it out but he can’t take it.
10-3 Should I give him a taste/ dose of his own medicine?
10-4 What would you do if you were in my situation?
10-5 You can count them on (the fingers of) one hand.
10-6 You don’t need to go too far with this issue.
10-7 You will not eat me out of house and home.

簡單卻實用 老外都在用的英語短句


2-1 寒暄打招呼
2-2 聊天常講的內容
2-3 離開說再見
2-4 請、謝謝、對不起

3-1 勸告或安慰別人
3-2 抱怨別人
3-3 鼓勵別人
3-4 讚美別人
3-5 吐槽別人

4-1 提出建議
4-2 表示同意
4-3 表示不同意

5-1 詢問事情
5-2 解釋說明
5-3 表示懷疑或驚訝
5-4 做出回應

食衣住行+觀光旅遊 超實用英語會話

Section 1  社交英語
1.      Meeting Someone New  認識新朋友
2.      Making Small Talk  哈拉閒聊
3.      Introducing Yourself  自我介紹
4.      Introducing Others  介紹他人
5.      Inviting People  邀請他人
6.      Sending Text Messages  傳簡訊
7.      Making Phone Calls  打電話
8.      City Activities  城市活動
9.      Country Activities  鄉下活動
10. Making Suggestions  建議英語
Section 2  食衣住行英語
1.      Ordering Fast Food 速食店點餐
2.      Making Reservations 餐廳訂位
3.      Shopping at a Supermarket  超市購物
4.      Shopping for Clothes  買衣服
5.      Buying Fruit  買水果
6.      Buying Candy  買糖果
7.      Shopping for Sporting Goods  買運動用品
8.      Returning Goods  退貨英語
9.      Exploring the Night Market  逛夜市
10. Asking for Directions  問路英語
Section 3  日常英語
1.   Cleaning Up  大掃除
2.   Making a Medical Appointment  預約看診
3.   Visiting a Doctor  看醫生
4.   Arranging a Time to Meet  安排會面時間
5.   Using Social Media  使用社群媒體
6.   Making a Budget  規劃預算
7.   Saving Money  存錢
8.   Sending International Mail  寄國際郵件
9.   Receiving Mail  接收郵件
Section 4  休閒育樂英語
1.   Seeing a Movie  看電影
2.   Discussing a Movie  討論電影
3.   Visiting a Library  上圖書館
4.   Playing Basketball  打籃球
5.   Making Vacation Plans  規劃假期
6.   Making a Last-minute Booking  最後一刻訂房
7.   Staying at a B & B  住民宿
8.   Planning a Picnic  規劃野餐
9.   Preparing for a Camping Trip  準備露營行程
10. Visiting an Aquarium  參觀水族館
Section 5  觀光旅遊英語
1        Going to the Airport  機場英語
2       Staying at a Hotel  飯店英語
3       Waiting for a Table  餐廳候位
4       Ordering in a Restaurant  餐廳點餐
5       Buying a Transportation Ticket  買交通票券
6        Taking a Cruise  郵輪假期
Visiting a Museum  參觀美術館 
