Apex Predator | 維持健康的好方法 - 2024年7月

Apex Predator

作者:Kwa, Kelvin

Apex Predator is a military techno-thriller wrapped around a core of science-fiction horror. Set in the very near future, the story follows a variety of characters; the officers and crew of a United States nuclear submarine, a highly trained splinter unit of Navy SEALs, a Chinese Special Forces commander and a rogue freelance intelligence agent as they are entangled in a sinister covert operation that will see them hunted and betrayed by friend and enemy alike. But natural adversaries and hidden agendas are the least of their worries. Deep beneath the polar ice-cap an ancient mythological creature has awakened to the death cries of its children caught in the unwitting crossfire of the human conflict raging above. Intelligent as it is malevolent, this entity will stop at nothing to sate its hunger for vengeance and destruction on the surface world. From the wastelands of the Arctic Tundra to the New England coast, even to the very doorstep of their homes, man and machine will be pursued by an unrelenting, immortal abomination that will test the limits of their courage, resourcefulness and military might. Only the survivors, only the triumphant will be the Apex Predator.

Kelvin Kwa was born in Penang, Malaysia, in 1969. When he was twelve years of age, he and his family moved to Melbourne, Australia, where he resides to this day. It is a testimony to the English teachers who encouraged him through high school that their classes were the only ones he ever enjoyed, especially when asked to write essays of a purely creative nature. He would like to tell you that upon graduation he became employed as a journalist for a prestigious publication or news media organization...but that would not be true. Perhaps he served in the military or law enforcement and brings his extensive knowledge and experience from the field to bear in this, his first novel? Nope, didn’t do that either. The only things that are relevant to Kelvin’s skills and qualifications in authoring this book are the following: -He’s pretty good with English. -He saw Aliens eight times when it first came out in the cinemas, Die Hard six times, and Jaws five times (once with his grandmother, who also enjoyed it more than a little bit). The list goes on. -He reads a lot of books. Generally fiction. Generally adventure, sci-fi, and fantasy. He collects the odd graphic novel. -He plays video games and believes that the X-Box is the superior console. Basically, Kelvin is just someone with an overactive imagination and a particular skill set involving the acquisition and dissemination of useless but entertaining trivia. He describes himself as a storyteller, nothing more. For the past twenty years, he has worked variously as a computer salesman and an IT engineer in the financial sector. Apex Predator is his first but not his last novel.
