Star Wars Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away星際大戰完全圖解百科 | 維持健康的好方法 - 2024年7月

Star Wars Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away星際大戰完全圖解百科

作者:Leong, Tim


  平面設計師 Tim Leong 繼《Re: [問卦] 有沒有超級英雄的八卦?》後,再次推出以星際大戰系列為主題,只有鐵粉才懂的星戰圖表分析特輯。了視覺資訊圖像的技巧,Tim Leong 以各種圓餅圖、長條圖呈現星際大戰系列裡的各種祕辛和冷知識——包括以范恩圖分析尤達的個人特質(?)、到以長條圖統計誰說過最多次名言:I have a bad feeling about this.(我有一種不祥的預感),這本 Star Wars Super Graphic 以最有創意的方式呈現了星戰宇宙!

  Graphic design guru Tim Leong presents Star Wars trivia in an all-new way—through playful pie charts, bar graphs, and other data-driven infographics. From a Venn diagram of Yoda's idiosyncrasies to an organizational chart of the Empire to a line graph of Grand Moff Tarkin's management decisions, Star Wars Super Graphic shines a new light on the much-adored universe. Equal parts playful and informative, this visual love letter to the vast Star Wars universe will enchant fans of all ages.

Tim Leong is the design director at Entertainment Weekly magazine, founder of the Eisner Award-nominated Comic Foundry magazine, and author of Super Graphic. He lives in New York.
