法學專業英語教程(精編版 第二版 大學專業英語系列教材;教育部推薦教材) | 維持健康的好方法 - 2024年7月

法學專業英語教程(精編版 第二版 大學專業英語系列教材;教育部推薦教材)




Unit One Introduction to the American Legal System
Lesson One Complexity in the American Legal System
Lesson Two The Adversary System in the American Judicial Process
Lesson Three Commencing a Lawsuit
Lesson Four Pre-Trial Discovery
Lesson Five The Trial
Lesson Six Judgment, Enforcement, and Appeal
Lesson Seven Criminal Process

Unit Two Constitutional Law
Lesson One The Institutions of Government
Lesson Two Separation of Powers
Lesson Three Federal-State Relations
Lesson Four Civil Liberties

Unit Three Contracts
Lesson One Introduction
Lesson Two Performance and Non-Performance
Lesson Three Contract Remedies and Computation of Damages
Lesson Four Rights of Third Parties

Unit Four The Law of Property
Lesson One Property: Real and Personal
Lesson Two Transfer of Real Property
Lesson Three Intellectual Property

Unit Five Tort Law
Lesson One Introduction to Tort Law
Lesson Two Intentional Torts
Lesson Three Negligence
Lesson Four Liability Without Fault and Products Liability

Unit Six Corporate Law
Lesson One Formation of Corporations
Lesson Two Management and Control
Lesson Three Corporate Dissolutions, Mergers, and Consolidations
Lesson Four Securities Regulation
Lesson Five Contests for Control
Appendix Ⅰ Key to Exercises
Appendix Ⅱ Text Translation
