追根救底:用英文字首字根學字彙 | 維持健康的好方法 - 2024年7月




增加單字量的一個方法──用字根字首學字彙 iiiA, AN - not, without 001AB, A - from, away, apart 003AC, ACR - sharp, sour 007AD, A - to, toward 009ALI, ALT - another 014AM, AMI - love 016AMBI, AMPHI - both 017AMBL, AMBUL - walk 018ANIM - mind, spirit, breath 019ANN, ENN - year 021ANTE, ANT - before 023ANTHROP - human 025ANTI, ANT - against, opposite 026AUD - hear 028AUTO - self 029BELLI, BELL - war 030BENE, BEN - good 031BI - two 032BIBLIO - book 033BIO - life 034BURS - money, purse 035CAD, CAS, CID - happen, fall 036CAP, CIP - head 037CARN - flesh 039CAP, CAPT, CEPT, CIP - take, hold, seize 040CED, CESS - yield, go 043CHROM - color 046CHRON - time 047CIDE - murder 048CIRCUM - around 049CLIN, CLIVE - slope 051CLUD, CLUS, CLAUS, CLOIS - shut, close 052CO, COM, CON - with, together 054COGN, GNO - know 062CONTRA - against 064CORP - body 065COSMO, COSM - world 067CRAC, CRAT - rule, power 068CRED - trust, believe 070CRESC, CRET - grow 071CULP - blame, fault 072CUR, CURS - run 073DE - down, out, apart 074DEC - ten, tenth 079DEMO, DEM - people 080DIA - across 082DIC, DICT - speak 083DIS, DIF, DI - not, apart, away 085DOC, DOCT - teach 091DOL - pain 092DUC, DUCT - lead 093EGO - self 095EN, EM - in, into 096ERR - wander 099EU - well, good 100EX, E - out, out of 102FAC, FIC, FECT, FY, FEA - make, do 108FAL, FALS - false 111FERV - boil 112FID - faith, trust 113FLU, FLUX - flow 114FORE - before, in front of 116FRAG, FRAC - break 118FUS - pour 120GRAD, GRESS - step 121GRAPH, GRAM - writing 124GEN - birth, class, kin 126GRAT - pleasing 128GRAV, GRIEV - heavy 130GREG - crowd, flock 132HABIT, HIBIT - have, hold 134HAP - by chance 136HELIO, HELI - sun 137HETERO - other 138HOL - whole 139HOMO - same 140HOM - man 142HYDR - water 143HYPER - too much, excess 144HYPO - too little, under 145IN, IG, IL, IM, IR - not 147IN, IL, IM, IR - in, on, into 155INTER - between, among 160INTRA, INTR - within 163IT, ITINER - going, march 164JECT, JET - throw 166JOUR - day 168JUD - judge 169JUNCT, JUG - join 170JUR - swear, law 172LAT - side 174LAV, LAU, LU - wash 176LEG, LEC, LEX - read, speak 177LEV - light 178LIBER - free 180LIG, LECT - choose, gather 181LIG, LI, LY - bind 182LING, LANG - tongue 184LITER - letter 185LITH - stone 186LOQU, LOC, LOG - speech, thought 187LUC, LUM - light 190LUD, LUS - play 192MACRO - great 193MAG, MAJ, MAS, MAX - great 194MAL - bad 196MAN - hand 198MAR - sea 199MATER, MATR - mother 200MEDI - middle 202MEGA - great, million 203MEM, MEN - remember 204METER, METR, MENS - measure 206MICRO - small 208MIS - wrong, bad, hate 209MIT, MISS - send 211MOLL - soft 212MON, MONIT - warn 213MONO - one 214MOR - custom, manner 216MOR, MORT - dead 217MORPH - shape 218MOV, MOT, MOB, MOM - move 219MUT - change 222NAT, NASC - born 223NAU, NAV - ship, sailor 225NEG - not, deny 226NEO - new 227NIHIL - none, nothing 228NOM, NYM - name 229NOX, NIC, NEC, NOC - harm 231NOV - new 233NUMER - number 234OB - against 235OMNI - all 237ONER - burden 238OPER - work 239PAC - peace 240PALP - feel 241PAN - all 242PATER, PATR - father 244PATH, PASS - feel, suffer 246PEC - money 248PED, POD - foot 249PEL, PULS - drive 251PEN - almost 253PEND, PENS - hang 254PER - through, by, for, throughout 256PER - against, destruction 258PERI - around 259PET - seek, go toward 260PHIL - love 262PHOB - fear 264PHON - sound 266PLAC - calm, please 268PON, POS - put, place 269PORT - carry 272POT - drink 274POT - power 275PRE - before 276PRIM, PRI - first in time, earliest 280PRO - ahead, forth 282PROTO - first 285PROX, PROP - near 286PSEUDO - false 287PYR - fire 288QUAD, QUAR, QUAT - four 289QUES, QUER, QUIS, QUIR - question 291QUIE - quiet 293QUINT, QUIN - five 294RADI, RAMI - branch 295RECT, REG - straight, rule 297REG - king, rule 299RETRO - backward 300RID, RIS - laugh 301ROG - ask 302RUD - rough, crude 303RUPT - break 304SACR, SANCT - holy 305SCRIB, SCRIPT, SCRIV - write 307SE - apart, away 310SEC, SECT, SEG - cut 311SED, SID - sit 313SEM - seed, sow 315SEN - old 316SENT, SENS - feel, think 317SEQU, SECU - follow 319SIM, SEM - similar, same 321SIGN - mark, sign 322SIN - curve 323SOL - sun 324SOL - alone 325SOMN - sleep 326SON - sound 327SOPH - wisdom 329SPEC, SPIC - see, look 330SPER, SPAIR - hope 332SPERS, SPAR - scatter 333SPIR - breathe 334STRICT, STRING - bind 336STRUCT, STRU - build 337SUB - under 339SUMM - highest 341SUPER, SUR - above 342SURGE, SURRECT - surge, insurrection 344SYN, SYM - together 346TACIT, TIC - silent 348TACT, TAG, TANG - touch 349TEN, TIN, TAIN - hold, twist 351TEND, TENS, TENT - stretch 353TERMIN - end 355TERR - earth, land 356TEST - witness 358THEO, THEI - god 360THERM - heat 362TIM - fear, frightened 364TOP - place 365TORT - twist 366TORP - stiff, numb 367TOX - poison 368TRACT - pull 369TRANS - across, over, through, beyond 372TREM, TREP - shake 374TURB - shake 376UMBR - shadow 377UNI, UN - one 378URB - city 380VAC - empty 381VAL, VAIL - value, strength 382VEN, VENT - come 384VER - true 386VERB - word 388VERT, VERS - turn 389VICT, VINC - conquer 391VID, VIS - see 393VIL - base, mean 394VIV, VIT - life 395VOC, VOK, VOW - call, voice 396VOL - wish 399VOLV, VOLUT - turn, roll 400VOR, VOUR - eat 401後記──「停不了」 403
