The Null Prophecy | 維持健康的好方法 - 2024年7月

The Null Prophecy

作者:Guillen, Michael

Space weather scientists in Northeast Canada have spotted holes opening in Earth's magnetosphere. Now a massive, deadly eruption of solar radiation is barreling toward the planet at one million miles per hour. With only three days before impact, the president of the United States desperately turns to two unlikely heroes for help: inventor Calder Sinclair and physicist-turned-news-correspondent Allie Armendariz. As they and the world focus on the looming disaster from space, someone is secretly plotting to wreak havoc globally on the ground. If successful, the fiendish plan will hurl modern civilization back to the Nineteenth Century. Guillen skillfully weaves heart-racing suspense with deeper questions about the profound consequences of scientific innovation, both intended and unintended. As his heroes search for answers, they run headlong into questions about human origins and the meaning and purpose of life and death. Racing the clock, Calder and Allie battle personal demons (as well as each other), all the while inching closer to a staggering truth foretold in ancient literature that decisively spells out the world's future--the Null Prophecy.

Michael Guillen was born in East Los Angeles, earned his B.S. from UCLA and his M.S. and Ph.D. from Cornell University in physics, mathematics, and astronomy. For eight years he was an award-winning physics instructor at Harvard University. For fourteen years he was the Emmy-award-winning science correspondent for ABC News, appearing regularly on Good Morning America, 20/20, Nightline, and World News Tonight. Dr. Guillen is the host of the History Channel series, Where Did It Come From? and producer of the award-winning family movie, Little Red Wagon. He is also the president/CEO of Spectacular Science Productions, a sought-after public speaker, and the bestselling author of several books, including two critically acclaimed books for the general public about mathematics: Bridges to Infinity and Five Equations That Changed the World.
