The Green Banana and Lentil Diet for Diabetes and Weight Loss | 維持健康的好方法 - 2024年5月

The Green Banana and Lentil Diet for Diabetes and Weight Loss

作者:Sundaram, Swetha/ Sundaram, Viji

This is a book suitable for vegans. Most of the recipes in this book are gluten free.A South Indian Diet plan (CURRY DIET) incorporating more green bananas and lentils in the meal plan for healthy weight loss and to prevent diabetes. The book explains the science behind South Indian Cuisine which aid in achieving the perfect balance between body, mind and the soul.There are so many different kinds of diet out there but, none suitable for a South Indian vegetarian like most of us. How does any vegetarian customize a paleo diet or a high protein diet to meet their needs? Most of the food they normally eat would be classified under the food prohibited by their diet plan. In the name of diet and good health, how long can a person live on raw vegetables and fruits? After years of experiment the authors have come up with the perfect diet that keeps our taste buds satisfied while helping us to shed pounds.The authors personally tried this diet and to their utter amazement the pounds just melted off The weight came off in a healthy way and there was a significant improvement in the numbers in the blood work Viji has been battling type II diabetes for years as it runs in her family. She has been trying to avoid diabetes by staying on a strict diet and exercise regimen without taking any medication. By following the above diet, her blood sugar levels came down effortlessly from 8.1 mmol/L to 6.7 mmol/L (145.8 mg/dl to 120.6 mg/dl) in just six months She ate to her heart content and yet her blood sugar level came down The book is packed with information. For example, the book explains why enzymes are unable to break down certain types of starches to release sugar into the blood stream. The book also has information on the role played by fats to lower blood sugar levels, the benefits of traditional Indian spices, the types of healthy fats and more importantly, a balanced meal plan suitable for a South Indian Vegetarian diet.

Swetha and Viji Sundaram live in Calgary, Canada. This book is a tribute by Swetha to her mom Viji, who always keeps herself up to date with the latest research in health and nutrition. Viji is often known as the "walking encyclopedia" by her friends and family. All the recipes contained in this book are her own invention. She has created a traditional menu with healthy ingredients, using her own unique recipes. Together, they have traveled to many countries and lived in many different cities. Apart from writing, their hobbies also include sketching, gardening and reading. They have been successful in growing vegetables in Calgary in the short growing season. Together they have spent many hours volunteering for the community.
