全球視野下的二語寫作研究:已知與待知(英文) | 維持健康的好方法 - 2024年7月



邀請14位二語寫作研究領域的知名學者,探討不同國家或地區二語寫作教學和研究的現狀及發展,介紹當地學者為推動二語寫作教學和研究發展所做的貢獻,其中既包括已廣為人知的信息,也包括不為人知的信息,從而拓展二語寫作研究視角,推動二語寫作研究全球化。托尼•席爾瓦:美國普渡大學教授英語系寫作中心主任,多年從事英語作為第二語言的教學與研究,創立並主編Journal of Second Language Writing期刊,創辦國際二語寫作研討會,曾主編或撰寫多部學術著作。

Chapter 1 L2 Writing Research in Australia: Assessing, Analyzing and Teaching L2 WritingNeomy Storch The University of MelbourneChapter 2 Studies of Second—Language Writing in Canada: ”Ihree GenerationsMister Cumming Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto and Beijing Foreign Studies UniversityChapter 3 An Ecology of Studies on EFL Writing in the Chinese ContextJunju Wang Shandong UniversityChapter 4 Teaching, Learning and Assessment of Writing in Schools of Hong Kong, China: Bridging the Idealism—Realism GapIcy Lee The Chinese University of Hong KongChapter 5 English Writing Instruction in Senior High Schools in Japan: A Historical Ecological ApproachMiyuki Sasaki Nagoya City UniversityChapter 6 The Research Context of L2 Writing in South Korea: Historical Development, Issues, and Future DirectionsYeon Hee Choi Ewha Womans UniversityChapter 7 The Status of ESL/EFL Writing in LebanonFatima Esseili University of DaytonChapter 8 Small Components: Some Big Contributions—L2 Writing Research in New ZealandJohn Bitchener AUT University, AucklandChapter 9 EFL Writing in Poland, Where Traditional Does not Mean Current, but Current Means TraditionalLukasz Salski University of LodzChapter 10 The Hole in the Donut: The Shape of Second—Language Writing Studies in SwedenDiane Pecorari Linnaeus UniversityChapter 11 Foreign Language Writing in Ukraine: Indefinite Past but Promising Future?Tatyana Yakhontova Ivan Franko National University of L’’vivChapter 12 The Status of Second Language Writing in the United States: Continuing Growth and ChangeTony Silva Purdue UniversityChapter 13 The Status of Second Language Writing Studies in Western EuropeMelinda Reichelt University of Toledob
