Amazon: How the World’’s Most Relentless Retailer Will Continue to Revolutionize Commerce | 維持健康的好方法 - 2024年6月

Amazon: How the World’’s Most Relentless Retailer Will Continue to Revolutionize Commerce

作者:Berg, Natalie,Knights, Miya

Natalie Berg is a retail analyst and Founder of NBK Retail, a consultancy specializing in retail strategy and future trends. Based in London, UK, she was formerly the Global Research Director at Planet Retail, and is a regular conference speaker and media commentator whose views on retail have been published in the FT, Forbes, BBC and The Times. Miya Knights is Head of Industry Insight at Eagle Eye Solutions and has extensive experience as an analyst, journalist and editor specializing in enterprise technology use in retail. Based on the south coast of England. she is the owner of Retail Technology magazine, she has appeared on the BBC, ITN and Sky News, as well as regularly speaking at or moderating industry events.
