Plymouth Discovery | 維持健康的好方法 - 2024年7月

Plymouth Discovery

作者:Brown, Bill

Just like the perpetual digital counting of a clock, everything occurs like the repeating cycle of nature. From the time my day starts, to the time I go to bed, I can set my watch according to the events that unfold. My name is Selah Richards and I am a typical teen aged girl living in a typical statehood community, or at least I so thought until my entire world was hurled upside down. People I've known for years suddenly vanish without a trace; but luckily not Brad Nelson, a great-looking, charismatic friend of mine with whom any girl would jump at the chance to date. Teamed together, we discover a hidden world, shrouded by mystery and intrigue, and find ourselves trapped in a situation we would have never imagined.

Growing up in Jackson, TN, Bill Brown was more interested in technology than in the literary arts. "I’ve always been a Certified Techno-Junkie", Bill laughs when asked about his interests and hobbies. The intrigue of digging into and learning how things work has peaked Bill’s interests as long as he can recall. Bill’s professional career has been in Information Technology and Computer Programming, along with the repair of just about anything that is broken. "It’s all about solving a problem," Bill adds, "like a world of tiny mysteries out there, just waiting to be discovered and tackled." But then Bill uncovered the realm of fictional writing, catapulting his curiosity of problem solving to a whole new level. "One day," Bill explained, "while driving along a deserted and winding stretch of country road, surrounded by dense wooded forest on both sides, the concept of my storyline for Plymouth entered and captivated my mind. I accepted the challenge of putting pen to paper and telling my story by following my time-tested and proven methodology to problem solving. I knew how the story ended, figured out how I wanted to begin - and the rest was just logically making my way from Point-A to Point-B".
