Home Workout Circuit Training: 6 Week Exercise Band Workout & Bodyweight Training for Fat Loss, Strength and Muscle Tone | 維持健康的好方法 - 2024年7月

Home Workout Circuit Training: 6 Week Exercise Band Workout & Bodyweight Training for Fat Loss, Strength and Muscle Tone

作者:Atkinson, James

The most successful fitness and weight loss stories are from those who can self-motivate and are willing to learn. These qualities are more valuable than having the worlds most qualified and expensive personal trainer at your disposalIf you are looking for a home workout fitness routine that: -Can be done from your own home -Uses minimal fitness equipment and utilises bodyweight training -Is progressive for at least 6 weeks -Is designed to effectively burn fat, tone muscle and develop cardiovascular fitness -Won't take you more than 30 minutes four times a week Then this is the one for you Hi, I'm James Atkinson (Jim to my friends and readers). I'm a qualified personal trainer/ fitness coach, competing bodybuilder and have a burning desire to help others reach their fitness goals. I have been training for over fifteen years. This training has taken me from long distance running to bodybuilding competition. It is fair to say that I have learned the secrets of weight loss and fitness from my own personal journey. I have been fat, skinny and muscle bound throughout my fitness career and I really feel fulfilment from helping and advising others when it comes to their goals. So I have designed this home workout training routine to effectively burn fat, tone muscle and develop cardiovascular fitness. In this day and age, the pace of life is fast for many, and there are probably millions of people that would say that they haven't got enough time to lose fat, tone up or work on developing their fitness. But my home workout routine is not something that will take up hours of your day, I can tell you that you won't even need to train every day, you just have to follow the routine that will last less than 30 minutes for a maximum of four days per week and each week, you will have a slight upgrade to the previous week. This type of consistent progressive training is a sure fire way to get your fitness results If I were looking for fat loss, muscle tone and total body fitness and I did not have access to a gym, this is what I would do. Be warned Although this is a "stand alone" fitness routine, I would NOT recommend this to the beginner to fitness, some of the exercises may be too advanced for someone just starting out. If you do happen to be a beginner, I would recommend my "Home workout for beginners" fitness routine. The home workout for beginners routine was designed as a "prequel" to this and if you were to start with it, and then decide to try this, you will find that it follows on very nicely. Good luck Il see you on the inside Please remember that I am always happy to help where I can, so give me a shout if you get stuck or have any questions. All the best Jim Email: [email protected]

James Atkinson was born in the UK in 1982. Since his early teens, James has been involved in fitness and resistance training, all starting when he never made the cut for the rugby team because of his lack of strength and size. This soon changed after James found his first gym. He is now a qualified fitness coach, competing bodybuilder and has served in an airborne unit in the British army. He has been at both ends of the fitness scale and excelled in endurance, long distance running and now bodybuilding.
