模具專業英語圖解教程 | 維持健康的好方法 - 2024年7月




Unit 1 Summarize of Mould Technology模具技術概述 1.1 Role and Type of Mould模具的作用及類型 1.1.1 Mould Role in Industrial Production模具在工業生產中的作用 1.1.2 Mould and the Type of Mould模具及模具的類型 1.2 Processing Technology of Mould模具加工工藝 1.2.1 Technical Requirements of Mould模具的技術要求 1.2.2 Mould Manufacturing Process模具制造工藝過程 1.2.3 Mould Manufacturing Characteristics模具的制造特點 1.2.4 The Compiling of Mould Manufacturing Process Planning模具制造工藝規程的編制 1.3 Process Method and Equipment of Mould模具制造方法及設備 1.3.1 Manufacturing Method of Mould模具的制造方法 1.3.2 Conventional Machining Method and Equipment of Mould模具的常規機械加工及其設備 1.3.3 Special Processing and Equipment of Mould模具特種加工及其設備 1.3.4 New Technique and New Process of Mould模具新技術、新工藝 1.4 Reading Passages閱讀短文Unit 2 Stamping Mould沖壓模具 2.1 Stamping Mould Structure沖壓模具結構 2.1.1 Summarize about Stamping沖壓概述 2.1.2 Steel Stamping Die鋼制沖壓模具 2.1.3 Other Stamping Dies其他沖壓模具 2.1.4 Fine Blanking Die精沖模具 2.2 Stamping Equipment沖壓設備 2.2.1 Plate Shearing Machine剪板機 2.2.2 General Crank Press通用曲柄壓力機 2.2.3 Hydraulic Press液壓機 2.2.4 Other Presses其他壓力機 2.3 Reading Passages閱讀短文Unit 3 Plastic Forming Mould塑料成型模具 3.1 Mould Structure模具結構 3.1.1 Plastic Mould and Plastic Forming Technology塑料模具與塑料成型工藝 3.1.2 Injection Mould注射模 3.1.3 Design of Other Plastic Forming Mould其他塑料成型模具設計 3.2 Plastic Forming Equipment塑料成型設備 3.2.1 Extruder擠出機 3.2.2 Injection Moulding Machine注射機 3.2.3 Calender壓延機 3.2.4 Plastic Hydraulic Machine塑料液壓機 3.3 Reading Passages閱讀短文Unit 4 Thermotechnical Mould熱工模具 4.1 Foundry Mould鑄造模具 4.1.1 Sand Casting砂型鑄造 4.1.2 Permanent Mould Casting金屬型鑄造 4.1.3 Investment Casting熔模鑄造 4.1.4 Centrifugal Casting離心鑄造 4.1.5 Pressure Casting壓力鑄造 4.1.6 Other Casting其他鑄造 4.2 Casting Equipment鑄造設備 4.2.1 Cold Casting Machine冷鑄設備 4.2.2 Hot Casting Machine熱鑄設備 4.3 Forging Die鍛壓模具 4.3.1 Billet Cutting Forging Die鋼坯切割鍛壓模具 4.3.2 Die Forging模鍛 4.4 Forging Equipment鍛壓設備 4.4.1 Forging Hammer鍛錘 4.4.2 Forging Press鍛造壓力機 4.5 Reading Passages閱讀短文Unit 5 Operation of Mould Fitter and Frequently-used Mechanical Equipments for Machining Mould模具鉗工工作及模具加工常用機械裝置 5.1 Operation of Mould Fitter模具鉗工工作 5.1.1 Lineation划線 5.1.2 Sawing鋸割 5.1.3 Filing銼削 5.1.4 Scraping刮削 5.1.5 Carving鏨削 5.1.6 Hammering錘擊 5.2 Common Mechanical Parts of Mould模具通用機械零部件 5.2.1 Fasteners and Joints緊固件及連接件 5.2.2 Spring彈簧 5.2.3 Operating Part操作件 5.3 Machining Tools of Mould模具加工工具 5.3.1 Common Tools of Mould Fitter模具鉗工通用工具 5.3.2 Dedicated Tools of Mould Fitter模具鉗工專用工具 5.4 Common Equipments of Mould Fitter模具鉗工常用設備 5.4.1 Common Machining Equipments of Mould Fitter模具鉗工常用加工設備 5.4.2 Lifting and Assembling Equipments起重及裝配用設備 5.5 Frequently?used Measuring Tools for Machining Mould模具加工常用量具 5.5.1 Caliper Type卡尺類 5.5.2 Micrometer Type千分尺類 5.5.3 Dial Indicator Type百分表類 5.5.4 Measuring Instrument Type量儀類 5.5.5 Gauge Type量規類Unit 6 Business English about Mould模具商務英語 6.1 Correspondence函電 6.1.1 The Correspondence of Establishing Business Relations(1)建立貿易關系的函電(1) 6.1.2 The Correspondence of Establishing Business Relations(2)建立貿易關系的函電(2) 6.1.3 Claim Correspondence索賠函 6.2 Contract合同 6.2.1 Short Form Purchase Contract簡式購貨合同 6.2.2 Sales Contract銷售合同References參考文獻Vocabulary with Figure Index詞匯及圖形索引
