Feeding the Future: Clean Eating for Children & Families | 維持健康的好方法 - 2024年7月

Feeding the Future: Clean Eating for Children & Families

作者:Shine, Tali/ Astor, Lohralee


  孩子容易受到添加劑和討厭的糖,或不健康等加工食品、速食的誘惑。如何在成長發展階段透過對飲食的管理,吸收足夠的維生素和營養物質就成為父母最重要的一件事。Feeding the Future: Clean Eating for Children & Families的概念其實很簡單:"在最自然的狀態使用新鮮食材"。全書超過70種從兩歲到成年人都會喜歡的食譜,不僅營養可口,簡易料理,還可在日常中將以往未曾發現會讓人上癮、體質變酸、引發呆滯或情緒波動、過動、過敏等行為的麵粉、糖、轉基因油或食材等排除在外。是重視健康吃食意識和時間有限的父母為孩子準備三餐的理想工具書。

  Delicious, clean, and nutritious dishes for the whole family

  More than 70 easy-to-follow recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

  Feeding the Future is filled with inspiring, creative recipes that all family members—from those aged two to grown-up “kidults”—will love and enjoy. These recipes are clean, nutritious, and delicious, as well as fun, and easy-to-make. This book is the perfect tool for health-conscious and time-stretched parents.

  Our notion of clean eating is using simple and fresh ingredients in their most natural state. We say no to wheat, refined sugar, and genetically modified oils, as they can be addictive, acidic, energy-depleting, or cause mood swings and hyperactivity in children.

  We have made sure to include a range of dishes that avoid dairy, nuts, eggs, and meat to try and accommodate every child, even those with specific dietary requirements and allergies!

  Because children are growing and developing, it’s important that they consume adequate vitamins and nutrients through their diets. This is why our book is full of wholesome recipes; children are, after all, our future. There is no need to compromise our children’s health by settling for less than ideal choices simply for their convenience. Feeding the Future makes clean eating for kids scrumptious, fun, and easy.
