Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity | 維持健康的好方法 - 2024年5月

Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity

作者:Erving Goffman



  The dwarf, the disfigured, the blind man, the homosexual, the ex-mental patient and the member of a racial or religious minority all share one characteristic: they are all socially "abnormal", and therefore in danger of being considered less then human. Whether ordinary people react by rejection, by over-hearty acceptance or by plain embarressment, their main concern is with such an individual’s deviance, not with the whole of his personality. "Stigma" is a study of situations where normal and abnormal meet, and of the ways in which a stigmatized person can develop a more positive social and personal identity.


高夫曼(Erving Goffman)

  當代美國社會學大師。1922年生於加拿大愛博他省(Alberta)的曼維爾市(Manville),1953年獲得芝加哥大學社會學博士學位。先後任教於加州大學柏克萊分校及賓州大學。1982年獲選為美國社會學會理事長。高夫曼曾是全球薪水最高的社會學教授,一生不願接受訪問、不立學派、不立鉅型理論,連照片都極少。但為了研究,他的身影卻不停穿梭在小島、精神病院、賭場等地,一步步探索從沒人認為重要的「面對面互動」領域,讓這個新的視野誕生、開展,以致影響後世甚巨。著作包括《日常生活的自我呈現》(Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, 1959)、《精神病院》(Asylum, 1961)、《相遇》(Encounter, 1961)、《公共場所的行為》(Behavior in Public Places, 1963)、《污名》(Stigma, 1963)、《互動儀式》(Interaction Ritual, 1967)、《策略互動》(Strategic Interaction, 1969)、《公共場合的關係》(Relations in Public, 1971)、《框架分析》(Frame Analysis, 1974)、《性別廣告》(Gender Advertisements, 1976)、《談話的形式》(Forms of Talk, 1981)。

  Erving Goffman (1922-1982) was one of the most influential sociologists of the twentieth century. He was Benjamin Franklin Professor of Anthropology and Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania.
